When You're Sick (Cast)

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Bill Skarsgård:
- Checks on you every so often
- Gives you medicine even when you say that it tastes disgusting
- Tells you to stay in bed whenever you try to get out of bed
- Makes sure that he doesn't get sick
- Gives you whatever you need

- Gives you medicine
- Sits next to you on the bed
- Doesn't care if he gets sick
-Reads to you
- Stays with you until you fall asleep.

- Is determined to help you feel better
- Places a cool wet cloth on your forehead
- Brings you your food on a tray
- Always takes your temperature
- Gives you medicine

- Freaks out
- Asks the others what to do
- Checks on you all the tine
- Always bringing you water
- Tries to not get sick

- Doesn't really know what to do
- "(Your Name) do you need anything at all?"
- Wants to know how long you'll be sick
- Protective you

- Brings you everything you need
- Sits with you
- Gives you extra tissues
- Hopes you feel better

- Very protective of you
- Gets you anything you need
- Always checking on you every four minutes

-  Sits on the bed with you
- Doesn't care if she gets sick
- Always has tissues for you
- Always giving you glasses of water

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