Taking Care Of The Kids (Characters)

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Doesn't know how to handle Willo and Camilla. "How do I take care of kids?" Tries to get them to eat kids fears. You start smacking Pennywise around with a rolled up newspaper. "No dont do that Pennywise!" "We don't need no more eaters of kids fears!"

You're fond of Minnie while Bill is fond of Georgie, Jeffrey, and Riley. "Bill did you know that Georgie and Minnie both stutter?" "W-Wait what!?" "Yup" You nod. "Oh wow." Bill replies. "Alright now its your turn to watch the kids." You tell Bill. "I need to relax a little." You say. "What? All by my self?"

Tries to get Max to be like him. You get angry at Richie. "We don't need another trash mouth!" You said seriously. "Lighten up (Your Name)!" Richie replies. "Who are you telling to lighten up!?" You exclaim and you chase Richie around the house.

Eddie is protective of Bella and he always makes sure that her medicine aren't gazebos. You notice this and tell him to not worry. "But she's my little girl!" Eddie whines. "You're such a good father." You tell Eddie. Bella watches you two and she interrupts the moment by pulling on Eddie's arm.

Y'all just sit around the couch and watch TV

You and Ben take Sally and Danny to the library and then go to get ice cream

The kids help you and Mike with the farm

You and Bev always dress the kids up in pretty dresses and take them out to the park.

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