Gone? Part 2

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I decided to do this because I'm out of ideas!!
~~~~~~~~~~~7 years later~~~~~~~~~~~~
You walked to your car looking at your phone which was covered in texts from your friend.
Are you ok?
Are you fine?
Answer me?!!

You rolled your eyes because y/b/f/n was always worrying about you, especially today. You quickly realized what day it was and frowned. Today was the 7th year that Peter had been dead. When you walked out of that church during the funeral to look for him you actually went to the top of a building to just enjoy the sunset and get your mind clear but that did not happen. Every since then you wished you never said that at his funeral.

"I'm going to make this day worth it," you whispered to your self and driving to a Starbucks to pick up some coffee. You got your normal order and went to Aunt May's apartment. She moved right when Peter died probably because that's were he grew up.

Aunt May answered the door. She had dried tears all over her face but that was the only sadness. She had a warm, welcoming smile which you got used to because that's how she would cover up her pain. You quickly hug her and walk into the apartment.

"I just wanted to quickly stop by and say hi," you said looking around the apartment. There were still boxes everywhere and the place was a little of a mess.

"Thanks. Today's really hard," Aunt May said noticing you looking at the messes.

"Sometime do you want me to come help you finish packing," you asked. She nodded. Someone texted you which reminded you of what you had planned today. "I have to go. Text me when I can help you pack. Bye!" And with that you left the apartment to go to Peter's favorite pizza place.

You ordered his favorite pizza and tried to enjoy it but it just made you sad. To cheer yourself up you went to the top of his old apartment building were he always went, especially after saving the city. You wiped a tear from your cheek.

Behind you was the sound of someone crawling which you quickly turned around but couldn't believe it. Right in front of you was the one and only Peter Parker.

"PETER!? OH MY GOSH! YOU'RE DEAD," you screamed looking at him. He scrunched his face up which was super cute but you felt bad because you were screaming so loud.

"Surprise," Peter said weakly. You quickly ran to carry him closer to where you were sitting.

"Ok I have so many questions. Where have you been? How are you not dead? How did you die? How have you lived for 7 years? Does Aunt May know? Does Tony know? Does anyone know," you ambushed him with questions.

Peter looked at you with wide eyes and took a deep breathe before answering all the questions, "1. A weird facility thing. 2. They planted a fake body. 3. I think by gun shots. 4. I have barely been living these past 7 years. 5. No. 6. No. 7. Only you." You looked at him with so much sadness. He has been basically dead the past 7 years.

"Oh my god Peter. Here let me help you up," I helped him up as we went down stairs. "I missed you so much, let's go tell Aunt May!"

"Wait y/n. I missed my best friend. I just want some alone time with her to learn what happened to her in the past 7 years," Peter did a dorky smile. You smiled big and sat down with Peter.


Sorry I have been so crappy with updates lately, it's just summer so I'm out doing stuff and going places. Anyway hope you guys will forgive me!!

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