About me!!

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Okay so.. I thought I'd say a little about myself because why not!

-I'm 16
-I live in Michigan, USA (ew)
-I like to draw, and I've been learning to watercolor!
-I can also play the piano and saxophone
-I go by Aphra on the internet because I'm paranoid of irl people finding me oops, unless I get closer with u
-I like BTS and Troy Sivan (and The Shins if you've heard of them)
-Yoongi is supposed to be my bias and Jin my bias wrecker but I'm questioning whether I even have a bias anymore
-I've been trying to learn Korean (not bc of bts actually, I wanted to as a kid because I liked the way the symbols looked but I never got a chance to start until now :) )
-I took German for 2 years and forgot most of it but I know the basics
-I have brown hair and blue eyes (and freckles!)
-I like anime (duh) and some of my favorites are Tokyo Ghoul (I like the manga more tho), Little Witch Academia, Your Lie in April, and my brothers recently gotten me into Hunter x Hunter
-I suck at math and yet I put myself in accelerated pre calculus next year :)) wow I love suffering
-I'm in band, though I would take an art class too if I had more electives available :(
-I'm really awkward and bad at talking/texting to people over phone, so if you get a message from me know I probably contemplated sending it for like an hour lmao
-I'm a closet fan of most of my interests lmao, which is why I'm so paranoid of irl people finding me
-literally one other person irl knows I like bts, and a (very) small group knows I like anime
-I can't fucking take a compliment, I need to suck it up and say thank you more
-134340 IS A BOP 😤😤
-Oh yeah I got into mystic messenger too but that's more of my dirty pleasure lmao
-literally I never dreamed I'd talk to fictional boiz for a game and bawl my eyes out
-I'm vegetarian
-my favorite animal is a chicken (cats coming close in second)
-I have so many different socks (like goats, chickens, cats, even sriracha sauce lol)
-It's 12:33 am rn and I need to sleep bc school is tomorrow but w/e
-I'm afraid of gorillas (and the dark, but not if it's outside)

That's all for now, if you want to know anything else let me know, and I'll make a part two! If you want lol. I hope this helps you guys get to know me a little better :) I'm going to sleep now because school exists but I hope you all have a wonderful day and week and year and all of time!!

Edit (6/4/18): okay idc if you don't like k-pop or rap or any of that shit but listen to Adrift by RM it's calming as HELL and I'm in love and RM needs more appreciation in general goodbye and thank you for coming to my ted talk

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