19th birthday??? Whoopdeedoo!!!

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!Beep! !Beep! Beep!


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock goin off at a ridiculous amount of time. I don't even know why I set my alarm clock to 6:35 when I wake up earlier than that time. So I apparently shut it up with my little bro's toy hammer. Thank god he gave me his hammer. Thinking about just gives me the giggles.

I looked below my bed to see my favorite black, furry, different colored eyed dog Smile. Yes I named him Smile because of the creepypasta smile dog, and that he always has this really cute-to-me-but-scare-the-living-crap-outta-people smile.


"Good mornin Smile!" He tackles me to the ground and proceeds to fill my entire face with slobber.

"Hahahaha! Ok Smile get off"

He refused to get off my face. Instead,he only gave me a smirk.

"Smile.Off.Bed.Now." I said very sarcastically. He just stared at me.

After about a good five minutes, he finally gets off of the bed.

"Thank you" I smiled at the ever-smiling dog.

I take out the iPhone my mom gave me for my 9th birthday, and put the earbuds in, listening to 'Monster' by Imagine Dragons. It is a really good song, but it sometimes get me into tears. But off topic, I went down into the kitchen to cook myself Nutella waffles and poptarts. Turns out, my parents are there, cooking up the biggest breakfast I've ever seen in my life. Eyes-wide open and mouth dropped, they made me Nutella waffle,bacon sand which, coffee, and my favorite, strawberry and s'mores flavored poptart. If Thor was here, he would be in sweets heaven.

My parents noticed me,Smile, and my shocked expression. They gave me their usual toothy grins and said so loud that Alternia can hear it, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLIN!!!!" Ohhhhh that's why they have the big breakfast and I was thinking on why I was really happy!!! Mom gave me a kiss to the cheek and dad gave me a big warm hug. Why are they like this on my birthday??? Yes they were elated when I turned all my previous ages, but this year was the most happiest to them. What????

"We are so happy that you turned 19 dear!!" Mom exclaimed

"thanks?" I said unsurely

"Come on Kellin, let's go eat breakfast now" Dad said.

My eyes brightened. I finally get to eat, yay!!!!!

"Onee-chan???" I heard a sweet little voice say at the living room. It was my little brother Adrienne. He is so adorkabubble!!!!! With his cute messy black hair, big chibi green eyes, and that footsie pajama of Adventure Time, he looked like a kid version of Loki when he wakes up.

"Good morning Adrienne." I said softly

He gave me a big smile and tried to tackle me, but it only ended up with me moving a foot away from my spot.

"Happy Birthday Onee-chan!!!!" He cuddled into my tummy.

I gave him a soft pat on the head.

"Thanks lil man."

I heard my parents chuckling from my Adrie's actions. For a nine year old, he is a cute chibi.

We all ate breakfast, having conversations about movies that we saw or want to see, and basically had a normal breakfast. But whenever I look at my parents and Adrienne, they are always smiling. Why

are they smiling? Hell, even Smile is giving me a smile(pun intended).

"So, what are we gonna do on your birthday, Kellin??" mom asked.

"Hmmmm........maybe stay home with my family, and watch a movie."

"Okay dear, but is that it?? You don't want to go anywhere??"

"Not unless you take me to Disneyland."

Everyone laughed at my joke. We don't really do anything on my birthdays. A few parties here and there, but mostly staying home, watching movies. We always call it movie birthday.

We went to my favorite store Hot Topic to buy my favorite things. We got a lot of T-shirts, mostly Marvel, chara covers for my phone, Marvel caps and wristbands, the regular shit. Mom and Dad suggested we ate at my favorite sushi bar. That's where all of it comes down.

"Happy Birthday Kellin!!!" Adrienne and my parents sang. I smiled at my family's glee and happiness. They were happy, but what is special about me being 19??

"Thank you guys, I feel very flattered."

"We are so proud of you Kellin, you don't know how proud we are!!"

"I'm flattered really,but why? What is so special about being 19??"

That got my parents to go silent. And Adrienne also went silent.

"Darling, do you know what today is??"

"M-my birthday??"

"Nonono, it's not only your birthday, what else do you know???"

"I-I only know it's my birthday."

"Darling, you are ready to become it."

"It??" I'm so confused now.

"Kellin, you are ready to become a dimension walker!!!!" My parents said in an excited tone.

Dimension walker?

Stuck with the Avengers...... I DONT CARE!!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora