Encountering the God of Mischief.........what more?!?!

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Smile POV

It's been a year since Kellin left. So far, everything was ok. Fury gave me a special room, people label it as The Den, and we've been studying the Tesseract. Really though, I was just waiting for him to arrive. The only people who know I am here for now is birdboy, Coulson, Fury, and Selvig. I never introduced myself to Natasha, cause I don't care about her. But right now, i'm feeding off of souls of the damned, while listening to the conversation in my Den.

"Where's Agent Barton?" I heard Fury say. Erik looked up at where BirdBoy is. And he scoffed. "The Hawk? Up in his best as usual." I looked up to see Clint looking at the scene. "And Smile Dog?"

"In the Den. Been hearing screams coming out of there for a while. Sounds like killing from in there." I laughed. What he said was true. I did kill around twenty people today. "As expected from SHIELD's only murderer. Agent Barton, Agent Smile Dog, report to me." I stood up from my spot, and grabbed a bottle of blood from one of the shelves. Kicking the door open, I saw them near the Tesseract.

"I gave you this detail so you could keep a close eye on things." He chided. "Well I see better from a distance." He looked at me. "Hey, Smile." I waved my hand up. "Sup, losers." Fury turned towards me and narrowed his eyes. "That's the third bottle of blood you drank today. You're more focused on blood than on the Tesseract." I shrugged. "Don't give a fuck about a glowing cube." He rolled his eyes at me.

"Anyways, Barton, are you seeing anything that might set this thing off?"

"Doctor! It's spiking again." A scientist yelled out. I looked at it, and they were right. It's glowing like a lightswitch.

"No one's come or gone. It's oven is clean. no contacts, no IM's. If there was any tampering, sir, it wasn't at this end."

"At this end?" Nick asked with a hint of unsureness.

"Yeah, the cube is a doorway to the other end of space, right? The doors open from both sides." He clarified. My ears sensed something. The Tesseract was pulsing. Oh FUCK he's here!!!

"Uh, guys? You're gonna need to take a look at this!!!" Everyone's heads looked at The Tesseract, must as a portal was made. They all ducked down, except me. I looked at the portal with wide eyes.

"Oh. Shit!!!" As the power settled, Loki was in a kneeling position, and everyone slowly looked up to see him. I gulped. "Fuck everything in life now." Loki looked at us with a smile of insanity.

"Sir, please put down the spear!!" Fury commanded, but he just looked at the spear, and my eyes widened. "GET DOWN FURY!!" I tackled Fury and Barton just when Loki shot a blue light at us. The agents started to open fire, but Loki either threw daggers at them or impaled them. Clint tried to reach for his gun, but Loki got a grip on him.

"You have heart." He simply said just as he put the tip of the scepter on his chest. I glared at him, when Clint's eyes turned black, then a cobalt blue. Loki smiled in triumph. I got Fury's attention, and motioned to The Tesseract, in which he nodded. I had my eyes focused on Loki, while he used the Scepter to control a few SHIELD agents. I looked back to see Nick closing the case, and we were supposed to leave. But Shitfaced McGee stopped us.

"Please don't. I still need that." I looked at him, and glared at him. "This doesn't have to get any messier." Fury tried to reason. "Of course it does.I've come too far for anything else." I already know his name, but I just want to add more drama. "Just who the hell are you anyways??" I asked him. He smiled again. "I am Loki......of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose." I already knew that, asshole.

"Loki? Brother of Thor?" Erik asked. Loki just looked down at the said name. "We have no quarrel with your people." "An ant has no quarrel with a boot." Fury glared at him. I mentally laughed. "You planning to step on us?" "I come with glad tidings, of a world made free." Tch. All of the lies. Kellin would be very upset. "Free from what?"

"Freedom. Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that in your heart....." He turns to Selvig and points the blade to his heart, controlling him. "You will know peace." "Yeah. You say peace. I kinda think you mean the opposite." I answered Nick's reply. "Anarchy. You wish to rule with chaos." Loki looked at me, then smiled. "That is a good name for it. I like that." "Sir, Director Fury and Agent Smile Dog are stalling. This place is about to blow. Drop a hundred feet of raw material. They mean to bury us." Clint noticed. Fucking BirdBrain asshole. "He's right. The portal is collapsing on itself. You maybe for two minutes before this goes critical." Erik studied and said. Loki looked backed at us, then them. "It's a shame. You would've been a great warrior to me." He was saying that to me. "Drop them both." Clint nodded, and shot Fury in the chest. I felt an immense pain in my head. "AGH!!" I felt solid cold metal on my head, and realized something. My head has a fucking bullet. Shit.

"Smile Dog! Wake up!" I felt Fury shake my shoulder. I sat up painfully, and removed the bullet from my forehead. "Hill, do you copy? Barton is..." I heard gunshots coming from the Walkie. "Smile, get up! We gotta go." He helped me up, and we both ran from the area. "He's got the Tesseract! Track it down!" My head started to insta-heal a bit. Kellin, I hope you're not angry about this. We got outside to see the copter, and Fury went in.

"Agent Smile Dog! Come on!" I shook my head. "I got a plan on the ground. Shoot from the copter. I'll chase on ground." I ran off and transformed into Demon Dog, and started to give chase to the jeep. I barked at the jeep, getting Loki's attention from the back. Just as he shot the copter, he aimed the scepter at me. A blue light shot right at me. But I dodged. Too late however, the car was already far from my reach, and I can only go so far as a dog. I only went far in New Mexico cause I was with Kellin, and it was adrenalin. I turned back into a human.

The Bluetooth rang in my ear. "Director? Director Fury, do you copy?" "The Tesseract is with hostile force. I have men down. Smile? Hill?"

"A lot of men still under. Don't know how many survivors." I responded,"Tried to chase the dipshitheads down. He got me distracted with his scepter. Sorry."

"Sound the general call. I want every living soul not needing rescue looking for that briefcase." Fury demanded. "Roger that." Maria responded. "Coulson, get back to base. This is a level seven. As of right now, we are at war." It was silent, but it was broken by Phil. "What do we do?" I can tell that everyone was figuring out on what to say.

"Coulson. Where is The Widow?" I said out of nowhere. "Why? What do you need with Agent Romanoff?" I smirked. "Fury, listen to me. I know about the Avengers Initiative. Get the Captain at the local gym at New York. Coulson, call Tony at Stark Tower."

"What about you?" Maria asked. I laughed. "I need to ask a certain killer of mine to help us."

Cliff hanger!!!! Ok so the part with Romanoff, I'm adding a Creepypasta to help her out in her situation. So I'm asking YOU on who should help her.

Jeff The Killer

Eyeless Jack

Ticci Toby

Masky and Hoody

Laughing Jack

Or Jane The Killer

Let me know in the comments. Until the next chapter!!!

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