Smile is a human.........WHAT?!?!?

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Smile POV.

Kellin was still acting like Karkat and Arin Hansen from Game Grumps when they are angry. And it was not pretty. "SON OF A B!+€)( @$$ M0+)(3rf$&@king-" Yeah you get the idea. -_-" I sometimes wonder why she knows about homestuck and takes off from it. It's like they're related for Slendy's Sake!!! I mean what the duckbutt?!?!?

"First my fucking parents say happy birthday and give me fake smiles, then tell me that I'm a mutant from X-men, then drive to the middle of fucking nowhere, AND THEN MOTHERFUCKIN DITCH ME!!!! O.o" I have never been so scared in my life. Note to self: don't ditch Kel in the middle of nowhere.

My thoughts were interrupted when my senses kicked in. I smelled 5-8 cars. Black cars and white. With people wearing suits and carrying guns. My eyes became plates when I recognized one of the men. He wears a suit. Like dress suit. And he had Captain America cards and is a big fan of him. He also looked like Clark Gregg. That's right ya little motherfuckers, It's PHIL COULSON!!!! :D

Hopefully, Kellin would relax a bit when she sees him. I would if it came to Jennifer Lawrence and Katniss Everdeen. But I don't think she will relax until he arrives. Meh. I'll just switch to her POV now.


Kellin POV

"SON OF A FUCKING PIECE OF BITCHASS BULLSHIT CUNTBITCH!!!!!" You wanna know how mad I am?? Ok.Combine Karkat's anger, with Egoraptor's rage from Sonic 06, with Russia from Hetalia's murder thoughts. Thats how mad I am!!! "HoW Cn MY FUCKING EXCUSE OF FUCKING PARENTS LEAVE THEIR ELDEST DAUGHTER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD LIKE IM A USELESS SHIT WHO NEEDS TO KNOW MORALITY!?!?!?!"

Smile looks like he is gonna shit himself and cry, but I'm too angry to notice the whiny bitch crap himself. I was ready to yell out another Fuck to the sky.


"Miss, it would be best if you refrain from any profanities at the moment." A voice stopped me. That voice sounded really familiar. I turned around in time to see a few people pointing their guns at me, a couple feet away from me. All wearing either a SWAT outfit or dress suit. So was the person who spoke to me. But he looks too damn familiar. With that light brown hair and grayish blue eyes, he was wearing a dark formal suit. OMFG IS THAT CLARK GREGG!?!?!?! Holy Fuck!!!!! No wait!!! This is not him. I bet this is Phil Coulson. Hang on I'm putting a puzzle piece together. Desert. Phil Coulson. Desert.........................................................................................................Coulson...............................................................! HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. If I'm in a desert which looks really familiar. And it looks like New Mexico. o_O And Coulson is here. Then.................. HOLY COD I'M IN THE THOR MOVIE!!!!!!

"Um, Miss?" I am still trying to process this. I am in the movie where my one and only idol is in. "Miss?" Still shock-


"Agh!! FUCK!!" I looked down to see Smile biting my hand. That is when I came to reality.

"Smile. Off. Now." Smile Dog let go of my hand, and I was bleeding a little.

"You are such a bitchy dog." I said with a harsh glare. He only gave me a look that said 'I regret nothing'. I growled at Smile, but turned to look at Phil.

"Can I help you, sir?" Don't freak out. Act like a Strider.

"Afraid not. I'm Agent Coulson of the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcments Logistics Division-" or SHIELD for short "and we are going to need you to come with us." Woah, what?

Stuck with the Avengers...... I DONT CARE!!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt