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When I woke up, I smelled pancakes and Nutella. I got up and saw Smile Dog cooking something. Funny thing was, he had an blood red apron that said 'Kiss the Killer'. I laughed at this. His ears perked and he looked at me. "Morning Badass Bitch." I smiled at him. "What'cha cookin?" He shrugged "Just some regular breakfast." So we just ate in silence. We made some regular conversations. But after we ate, we went out to take a walk, before he comes around. This is when shit starts happening. "So, it's rainin right? And you pass a bus stop. There are three people there: Your most trustworthy friend, a pregnant woman who has to go to the hospital, and the girl of your dreams. Your smart car only has two seats. What do you do?" I have him the riddle. "Oh! I know this one! You give the car to your most trustworthy friend. He takes the pregnant lady to the hospital, and then, YOU stay at the bus stop with the girl of your dreams." I looked at him, the. Thought of smart cars. "No, you go home and," I grabbed his shirt and pulled to my eye level. "REVALUATE YOUR FUCKING LIFE!!! YOU BOUGHT A SMART CAR!!!" I yelled in his face. He just sweatdropped. "Sorry, it's not my fault you hate Smart Cars." I glared at him, then punched him in the face. "WHOA!" He went flying to a window. Specifically, Jane's window. I started to panic. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit!!"

Smile POV


I crashed into someone's window. "Agh! Fucking hell on a noose and claws!" I whined very much. "Umm...kid?" I snapped my head up at the person. .......Shit. Wavy brown hair, and glasses. OH FUCK!!! Not Darcy. "Kid.... you okay?" She questioned me. I looked at everyone. Oh shit. The Warriors Three,Jane (I hate her), Erik, and oh fuck, Thor. "Hi-nope." I

scrambled to pick myself up. "Young one, are you alright?" Volstagg questioned me. "Yes. I'm fine." I picked myself up,and walked to Kellin. "Oh my god! You got glass on yourself." I looked at where the glass, and yep, Jane was right. A piece of glass, maybe the size of my hand, was sticking out of my torso. "Oh. Ok" It didn't hurt really. I'm used to this. So I just pulled it out of my torso,and dropped it. Then just walked back to Kellin.

Kellin POV

Crap! Smile was walking at me, and he was glaring at me. "Sorry?" I tried to apologize. He just kept in glaring. *sigh* I thought of a severed head of a random guy. So it appeared on my hand, and Smile look at it with glee. I smiled and threw it at him. Soon, he pretty much sucked up the head. I looked at him with mischief, but I sensed something. They were coming towards my direction. But I was focused on the distance. "Is someone else supposed to be coming?" I heard Darcy question.

"Shit" I looked at the funnel cloud, and pretty soon, the Destroyer was there. "Shit shit shit shit shit shit" I kept on saying the same word while walking at Smile, who had blood on his mouth. "Smile?" I pointed to the Destroyer. He looked behind me, and his eyes widened. "Fuck!" I backed up. "What do we do?" He asked me. "Do some random shit. I don't know." He nodded. "I'll help get the people to safety." He then ran off on a random direction. Honestly, I feel nervous now, but their is no turning back now. I forced myself to walk forward. "Keep him distracted." I heard Sif command. I gulped. "Maiden! What are you doing?" I looked at Hogun, who had a look of concern. "I don't even know. But do what you must. I'm gonna kick this piece of shit's ass." I said that last part to myself. He looked at me again, but went back to the Warrior's Three. The Destroyer kept on shooting the beam at random areas. Everything was being wrecked. I heard a crash coming brim behind me. Volstagg was sprawled on a car, and it was ready to blast him to bits. That was, until Sif impaled it on the neck with her spear. She rolled her eyes, and almost had a look of victory. But I remembered this part. "Fucking hell!!" I started to sprint at her, just when the Destroyer was shifting it's body until it was facing her. She tried to pull off her staff, but it was stuck to the floor like glue. "Nope!" I yelled out just when a jumped high and tackled her out of the way, just when it fired another beam. She had a look of fright, but looked at me with thanks. "You have my thanks." I looked at her with astonishment, but nodded. "Go! Now!" I told her and moved her forwards, closer to Thor. "Smile!!" I looked at him, and I saw him with a look of panicking, but when I met his eyes, he ran and embraced me."Thank Zalgo you're alright!!" I smiled in the hug, but looked at where Sif and Thor was. Sif looked like she was about to cry, but Thor told her to go back to the group. My eyes widened. "No.......nnonononononknonono!!" I tried to get out of Smile's grip, but he held me tightly. "Smile, get off!!!" He just stared at me. "Kellin, I promised your parents that nothing will harm you." I looked at him, but looked back when I heard a clang. The shield that he was holding was gone, and he was walking towards the Destroyer. I shook my head.

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