theme park

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Dismissal, 3:27 PM

I then went to our usual meeting place, one of the benches in the university grounds, there I saw Chris and Zack. "Where's Kaitlyn?" I asked them. "Oh, she went to the bathroom, she's gonna be back here in a minute." Zack smiled at me as he showed me his new notebook, he loves collecting those beautiful notebooks, I smiled pleased. "That's beautifuuul! Where did you buy it?" I asked. "Oh, my cousin gave it to me as a gift, knew I was a notebook collector." He grinned at me and put back the notebook since we saw Kaitlyn waving and with that so, we fixed our things and went to the amusement park.


andrea ryder ; pov

5:10 PM

As we arrived at the theme park or amusement park, I looked around, admiring the place, It has been so long since I last had been in one. Time is so fast, indeed. I got to live life to the fullest, make every moment count, and this day, I'll make this day count. I'm sure this will be a great day, after the exams, and stuffs that happened these past weeks.

"Going here will be a breathe of relief after all these things that happened." I chuckled as me and my friends went to the another entrance of the theme park, about to pay our entrance and ride tickets. 

"Ohhh, look at these guys!" Kaitlyn pointed at the stand showing the exclusive theme park promos and around the stand is beautiful neon colored lights. We all gathered around the large stand and thought of what we all should be getting, So then Kaitlyn clapped and grinned at all of us, excitedly. "Hmm? What is kaitlyn thinking about just now?" I thought.

"Whoa, whoa, chill Kai, what's the thing, why so excited?" Chris asked Kaitlyn with one eyebrow up, confused. 

"I'll treat us all for the tickets! Remember? This round's mine." Kaitlyn pointed at the promo as she headed off the entrance, in line to buy tickets, we just laughed, Kaitlyn's always like this, that considerate and generous friend. Also the perks of having a friend who has rich as fuck parents.

We followed her to where she is in the entrance line and I hugged her, "Thanks so much Kaitlyn!" I pulled away as I smiled at her. "Thanks Kaitlyn! Never change alright?" Zack said grinning as he offered a piece of chocolate from his bag, in which Kaitlyn accepted. "Thank you also, Kaitlyn, you're the best." Chris said as he smiled and nudged Zack. "Man, where's my chocolate?" He asked jokingly. "Mine toooo." I pouted at him making Zack roll his eyes to the both of us. "Here. You both should be honoured you're my best friends." Zack gave each of us one as we noticed Kaitlyn was already ahead and she already came back with the tickets, "Taadaahh!" 

"Come onnn! Let the fun staart!" I jumped on my place as we all walked towards the main entrance. Damn, inside the theme park was really cool! Everything around the place is happy, the bright lights and colors, the neon light signs, and the laughter and screaming of people from rides filling the air. The thick clanking of rides moving, the shuddering of the rails and tracks, the smell of popcorn, hotdogs and the food in the concession stands, also filling the air around you, It was nice to be here, you could use some fun after several stressful days, just forgetting about the problems, or putting it aside and trying to have fun for just a few hours.

"Can we go buy souveniiiirs?" I asked the group, a childish grin plastered on my face. "Oh come on, Andrea, That's for the end of the trip!" Zack playfully punched your arm. "Ouch, that hurts." You said, in a joking manner. "Okay, fine, but I get to pick the first ride!" I laughed as I lead the group to the rollercoaster. "Woah, really? the coaster? Well, let's live this day as if we are kids again for one day." Zack replied. "Yesss! It wouldn't hurt to have some fun!" Kaitlyn exclaimed, hurriedly following Zack, excited. "Oh kaitlyn, tone your excitement down." Chris responded, laughing. I elbowed him lightly. "Come on, this is gonna be fun! No toning excitement down, aight buddy? This is just one day." I said as he rolled his eyes, "Fine." Chris responded while we walk and jump into our seats, chuckling at the excitement of our friends. "It's been a stressful week and I'm glad we're doing this." I smiled at my friends. "Oh my god, Oh my god, it's gonna start!" I giggled. Kaitlyn beside me, Zack responded, looking back at me and Kaitlyn, all the passengers was prepared and has their safety straps on. "Rollercoaster, starting in a few seconds, please stay in your places, Rollercoaster, starting in a few seconds." A voice said in the background. As people in the rollercoaster fixed themselves and some still talking to the people beside them, some are just quiet, waiting for the ride to start, the rollercoaster was slowly moving already, Zack turned to me and Kaitlyn, "Heree it gooesss!" I giggled, grinning at Kaitlyn excitedly. "It's just a rollercoaster, piece o-" Zack was cut by the sudden speed of the rollercoaster, Zack suddenly screaming, Chris was just there, lightly screaming, not much, honestly. "Piece of cake huuuhhhh?" I shouted, for him to hear it because the speed and the wind is muffling the voices of the people, plus the screaming of some. "Fine fine" Zack said laughing. The rollercoaster slowed down at it moved upward, to the highest point of the coaster ride. "Damnnn, this is awfully high, this really ain't a kiddie coaster." I chuckled nervously. "Get ready, bitches!" Kaitlyn laughed. "Language there, kiddo." Zack jokingly responded as we all was left laughing. "Click, click, click." The sounds the cart is making as it drags itself up with effort. People start holding onto their bars as it reaches the top, your breath quickening in the thrill of the ride. "Andreaaa!!" "Oh my god, kai-" You again, were cut off as it falls down, bringing people into screams and laughter. 

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