waiting for him

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"Very well. See you later then?"

"Absolutely." I grinned as I went out his room, trying to find Kaitlyn and tell her about the stuffs that had just happened, you know, got to update my best friend.

The phone that I was holding sith my right hand vibrated and lit up. I looked at it as I saw a message.

Benedict: Reminder! Cafe at 6 PM :) [4:57 PM]

"To just being friends." I texted back to him, as I smiled to myself, still walking at the hallway with the beige coloured walls, passing by the other students.


andrea ryder ; pov

"I like your music taste, Benedict." I closed my eyes as my head danced to the beat of the music being played in Benedoct's car. "Of course, what do you expect?" Benedict responded jokingly in a sarcastic way. "Narcissistic man." I laughed, as I lightly punched his right shoulder. "Ouch!" He groaned in a joking manner. I rolled my eyes at him as he pulled off a parking spot and turned the engine off.

We then went inside the café and Benedict then hugged a man in black suit. "Hello there, buddy! Long time no see." Benedict chuckled and grinned warmly at the man in front of him. "Benedict, my friend! Long time, indeed." The man returned back a radiant smile as he fixed his glasses qhen he looked at me, smiling still. "And you must be his girlfriend, I presume?" The man reached his hand out to handshake me which I kindly accepted. "Oh, no I'm his st-"

"A friend." Benedict added as he put his left arm around my shoulder. "Hmmm." The man nodded and eventually leads the both of us to a secluded booth. The area was amazing and it is also shielded from prying eyes. This wasn't the café me and Benedict last went though.

After ordering the beverages or the dessert that I picked, it arrived after just some minutes. "Okay, how did you know about the owner of this place?" I grinned as I my eyes follow our orders being held by a waiter until he placed it on our table. "He was my college classmate, I have a lot of connections with the people that currently have their own businesses now." Benedict playfully winked at me making me roll my eyes but eventually chuckle. "This guy" I mumbled. He wanted to only be friends and now he's showing off and being playful, well friends can be like this, right?

"Okay, okay. Got it, dork."

I gave him a lopsided smirk as we both sipped our own beverages and ate the dessert placed on the table. We chatted and enjoyed our time there as the sun slowly dipped below the horizon and the skies transitioned into a beautiful blue and black, lightened by the glimmer of the moonlight and the stars shining at the sky.
Benedict drove me home as we waved goodbyes and slowly drifted myself in a peaceful sleep.


I yawned as I rolled over the bed once again, finding a perfect position after the noise outside my house almost awoken me. "Hnngh." I groaned as I just opened my eyes and sat, irritated that I wasn't able to comfortably sleep again. "Ugh."

I yawned once again as I ran my hand through my morning hair, I reached out for my phone on the nightstand and turned it on, my eyes almost blinded by the sudden brightness of my phone.

1 text.

It was Kaitlyn's. I opened the text and read it out for myself.

Kai: Hey, Andrea. Please remember our friend hangout tomorrow 8 AM ;) xx [8:06 PM]

Oh. Shit. I looked at the time as I breathe in relief, oh my god I thought It was already quarter to eight. I jumped out of my bed and fixed my bedsheet and rearranged my pillows, I opened the curtains and let the sunshine inside my room. "Goood morning, lovelies." I smiled widely looking out my window as I welcome my morning with optimism. I then went for a hot bath and dressed myself up for the friend hangout Kaitlyn has "hosted".

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