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Hi guys!!! I've decided to put this book into hiatus and make ANOTHER one! Which is far better than this one, I swear! The chapter one will be the same, I will just change the storyline or the plot of the story. I honestly didn't know why some people kidnapped Andrea and eventually got writer's block and tada, Im stucked.

The new story will still be Benedict cumberbatch, still as a professor but I swear, it's gonna be a much better one! I will update alot since it's vacation time.
I'm thinking of giving the story a slow-burn romance since that's far better than a story that rapidly escalates from being acquaintances to suddenly lovers. I'm excited to write the new one! I won't delete this book, don't worry. Honestly the title's still gonna be Clandestine Love if i won't get to make a new title, just gonna make a new cover.

Comment down your thoughts!

P.s. here's a beautiful benedict screencap I caught in The Six Thatchers (S04xE01)

 here's a beautiful benedict screencap I caught in The Six Thatchers (S04xE01)

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