gonna save her

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First of all, who is "she", "her"? I mean this can be anything light, I don't even know why I am recording this, this may just be about her mom getting sick or something. I cannot hear the other voice in the line since obviously, it's not in speaker mode which is understandable, who would even try to hide and try to avoid people from hearing him calling someone else and then he will put it in speaker? That's just too dumb. Anyways, eavesdropping really isn't my thing.

I lightly sighed as I was about to exit the app as I heard;


"Yes, Andrea's her name."


benedict cumberbatch ; pov

It had been a day after I had got that recording, I haven't confronted him yet since I don't think doing that will improve anything, I mean if he really is involved in this stuff, I'm sure as hell he wouldn't give away any information regarding it. Better keep it to myself... or ask Kaitlyn for help. "Yes, I need to see Ms. Conolly." I mumbled as I tapped my fingers on the surface of my desk, still not starting any of my lesson plans and just over thinking about how things are with Andrea and how shall I possibly save her if what I think is really true.

I stood up as I went rounds at the school, finding her. "Oh, come on. This university's too huge." I groaned as I stood there for a while, thinking. "How dumb of me to forget it." I chuckled at myself as I headed to the principal's office. I knocked on the door as I opened the door, greeting everyone inside, formally. I went over to the principal's secretary, Elizabeth.

"Good morning Mr. Cumberbatch! Anything I can do to help you?" She finished typing as she looked at me, smiling heartily.

"Thank you." I nodded.

"Ms. Olsen, do you still have the list of the time tables of the students in the senior year?"

"Right. I believe I do have them, so when the students lost their tables and needed a duplicate." She explained, as I made an -ohh- face, taking the seat in front of her table. "Understood, can I possibly have a copy of a certain student namely Kaitlyn Conolly?" I requested, smiling at her, when she nodded meaning 'alright', as I looked at my watch once at a time, feeling kind of impatient. "Just a second."

After some minutes of waiting, she finally printed the digital copy of her timetable to a hard copy, handing it to me, freshly out from the printer. "You have my gratitude."

"Just doing my job, though thank you, it is appreciated." Ms. Olsen grinned as she sipped another of her cup of coffee, leaning back against her office chair. I quickly scanned Kaitlyn's timetable as I saw the current period she has right now.

It was Math with Mr. Hiddleston, Room 243. I guess she still has... I looked over the print once again as I checked the time from my phone and the end time of the period, I need to wait about 30 more minutes, good thing I have no classes this time, though I have one after two more hours, so I guess the time I have now is enough and I'll just allot some more after I dismiss my second class for today..

I waited patiently outside as I sat on one of the benches, thankfully placed just near room 243.

Until now, I'm still thinking how Vincent was able to pull off that thing, I mean like, how powerful and dangerous are his family? I'm worried sick for Andrea, what if they're again, taking an advantage with her? Just like how Vincent did so back then? God damned it, I really need to talk and explain things with Ms. Conolly. As I rested my head on the palms of my both hands, trying to get myself together.

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