Chapter 5

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"Stanley Web?" He looked up at me.
"I can't allow you, miss. It's late. Moreover, that kid is a murderer."
"Accused murderer." I corrected.

He kept staring at me for a while and asked,
"And who are you, miss, may I ask?"
"I'm from Wild Cats too. We're on the track team at school. He borrowed something from the team's assets, and I need it back for practice tomorrow."
The officer kept staring. I continued, being a bit discreet, "And he's a good friend too, I wanted to see him."

He hesitated and came closer and whispered, "To be honest, that kid has behaved well since we took him in possession. Doesn't look like a criminal. But I have orders." I looked upset. Noticing that he said, "However, I think I can manage to get you in for an hour, maximum."

I tried to rush inside, but he stopped me. "Not so fast kiddo, nothing comes for free." He raised his eyebrows.
I rolled my eyes at him, "You're asking for bribe?"
"Since what you're doing is against the law, anyway."
I slid some money into his desk, seeing him raise his eyebrows, added an additional 30 dollar, and finally walked in towards the lockups.

Finding Stanley wasn't very difficult. The way they'd kept him was really pathetic though.
"Stanley?" I whispered, careful to not wake the other prisoners. He stressed his eyebrows a little, opened his eyes and rushed to the bars of the lockup.
"Shush. Be quiet."
"How're you here?"
"Bribed my way in, to be honest."

"What? That guy looked decent."
"Yeah, that's why he actually let me even in to see a murderer."
"Felicia please, you're the last person I'd want to call me that."

"Stanley Web, I don't know if I can trust you anymore after you lied to me in the morning."
"What? No, I didn't! What is this about?"
"Forget that. Didn't your parents come to bail you out or something?"
"They did. But I'm charged with murder, so it didn't work. They're probably taking me to trial in court. I don't know when."

"Oh, god, Stanley. I don't know what to do. You lied to me about being with Roger. How can I trust you now? How can I even help?"
"I didn't lie, Felicia, trust me?"
"I don't think I can, Stanley. Your ring was found gripped tightly in Jessica's hand. The police saw you flee the crime scene. Roger says you weren't with him all morning. Too much of evidence, don't you think...?"

"I don't know what to say, Felicia. Look, I know that things clearly look against me right now, I shouldn't ask you to trust me, so I won't. But everything you called evidence, me reaching the crime scene, that's another story."
"Well, I want to hear it if I'm even gonna help you."
"I followed Jessica into the woods."

"Pardon me?"
"Yes, Felicia. I followed Jessica D'bel into the woods."
I rolled my eyes again.
"Stanley, and why exactly do you think Jess would go alone into those creepy woods and skip school for that? Now you think this is more believable than the evidence? Look, Stanley I love you. I still trust that you wouldn't kill a person, but I need to hear the truth!"

"That's the truth, Fel."
"Alright, elaborate. Maybe then it makes sense."
"I don't know why she skipped school to go there. I know nothing. I just know that Roger was sick, he wanted me to stay back from school and be with him, so I did. And they've got a Ceptine's medicine store somewhere near the woods."

"And? I asked."
"I don't think the next part is believable, Fel."
"Well, none of this really is, so go on."
"And Roger said he needed to pick up some medicines. So he drove me to the woods and asked me to wait there, and that he'll be back in 10."
"Wait, couldn't he just drive you to Ceptine's?"
"I know. I asked him to, but he said he's shy around the new girl at Ceptine's and wants to go there alone."
"But Roger is dating Megan."
"I don't know, okay? I didn't ask. He was sick and so I just got off near the woods and he drove off."

"And?" I said, shrugging.
"And Roger didn't come back. And then Jessica showed up from the other side in some time."
"Oh, really?"
"Why would I lie?"
"To save yourself?"
"You saying that, Fel?"
"No, I'm sorry. Go on."
"Jess didn't see me. She just walked straight into the woods. It isn't a safe place to go, you know. So I followed her, out of concern. But she was walking fast, like in a hurry, and I lost track of her. I almost turned around to go when I heard her scream. I rushed in the direction of the sound, but I reached too late. She was lying there, blood flowing out. I rushed to her and asked her to calm down, told her that she will be okay. She just shook her head and said this, 'They're after you.'
And before I could ask anything or help, she just stopped breathing.

And I tried to help, but I heard footsteps, police. Look Felicia, I know you'll hate me for this, but I made a run for it. I knew how it'd appear otherwise, and she was already dead. But that is the decision that got me in trouble. I should've stayed there and told the police what I saw."

"You expect me to believe that story?"
"I don't."
"Look, Felicia, my trial starts in two months probably. Can I ask for a favour?"
"I know you wouldn't kill someone Stanley. But your story isn't all the truth. You're keeping secrets. This story is unbelievable."
Stanley didn't answer. "Well whatever I told you, nothing among that is a lie." He finally said.
"I need the complete truth."
"Felicia, I need your help. Please, you're the one person I can trust, do something, get me out of here. I'm innocent, just prove it. Please, Felicia, for me."

"Stanley, I'd love to. Stop keeping secrets. I can't help you if I don't know it all."
"Felicia, I can't tell you everything, and it's not even necessary. Just get evidence. In favour of me. Not against the criminal."
"But Stanley..."

"Time's up, miss." An older voice interrupted, "The officer for the next shift is going to show up. You have to leave."
I looked at Stanley and said, "I'll do everything I can, just when I come next, I need all the truth."
"I can't tell you everything, Felicia."

I wanted to argue but the cop was giving me stares, so I just said, "Alright, take care, I'll be back soon."
"Take care."
I waved him goodbye and left.

Stanley did have secrets. Secrets nobody knew about, not even me.

That's the end of Chapter 5 too!
Keep reading, I hope it keeps getting more and more interesting as you move ahead, thanks for your support guys, I got ranked #85 among all the mystery/thriller writers on Wattpad, thank you!

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Love, Kaninika xoxo

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