Chapter 8

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I didn't speak. He kept staring at me. After a bit of hesitation, he asked, "Who's she? You know her?"
"Are you guys close?"

It was weird that he didn't know about her death. He might have not read the papers or watched the news channels. Or maybe he was just pretending that he didn't know? Whatever. I decided to not tell him either.
"Yeah, she's a fellow classmate."
"Why can't it be her?"
"Evan, she's a decent girl, and moreover she loves her friends. She knew Roger was dating Megan... She couldn't have done this."
"I just told you what I saw, Felicia."

"Yeah, cool."
He opened his mouth to speak something when my phone rang. I took it immediately.
"See me at the Clock tower in 20." He said.
"I'll be there."

I looked at Evan and said, "I gotta go. Emergency."
"Stay safe. Call me if you get in trouble."
I smiled at him, took my keys and my purse and took off.

He was standing at the topmost balcony of the clock tower. This was our usual meeting place. He turned around. He was dressed in a neat blue shirt, his smooth black hair falling over his eyes. He had a perfect jawline and tanned skin. My life was full of handsome men. None of them were Stanley, though.

"Hey" He smiled at me.
"Hey" I said and went to stand beside him, leaning on the balcony.
"So I heard you went to see the suspect."
"He's got a name."
"Yeah, Stanley Web, right?"
"You seem to have grown to care for him."

I looked at him. He laughed and said,
"So, do you think he did it?"
" I don't. But he surely is keeping secrets."
"How do you know?"
"That day, he told me his version but admitted that it was half the truth. And he asked me to help him. But there was a weird thing about it."
"He asked me to get evidence in his favour, not against the culprit."
"That sounds like he wants to protect the culprit."

"I don't know, Noah."
"Why's this bothering you? Our work is to find the culprit and if Stanley is the culprit or even an accomplice, it's just easier."
"He's not the culprit."
"Come on. You've known him for just two years."
"I've known him enough."
He laughed and said, "A sharp mind like yours saying that? Stanley has known you for 2 years as well; fallen in love with you. And yet he doesn't even know that you're not Felicia Martin."

"That doesn't mean he's a bad person. I know the people I spend time with!"
"I've never seen this version of you with anyone else." He said shocked, "Don't tell me you've started to want to be Felicia Martin?"
"Don't be silly."
"You don't actually love that guy, do you?"
I didn't answer for a while.

"He's a good person, Noah. That's all I know."
Before he could say anything, I said, "I gotta leave. No one should see us together. Text me"
He nodded and I rushed down.

Thoughts were running through my mind. I drove off to the one place I could find comfort at that time. There was another officer in charge. Those were the visiting hours, I just had to sign my name and get in.

"Stanley?" I spoke his name, he was sitting in a corner, hair messed up, face filled with dirt, beautiful eyes wet. He rushed to the prison bars when he heard my name and grasped my hands which were holding two of the bars.

"It's been more than a week Felicia. You didn't come to see me."
"Stanley... Stanley I got busy in gathering evidence, I'm sorry."
"You don't know how I kept waiting each second for you to come. And there was uncertainty... There was fear, fear that you abandoned me."

I don't know if I should have done what I did next. I just brought my face closer to his and kissed him. He kissed me back, and trust me he kissed really great. There was passion and love, true love. When we finally withdrew from the kiss, we shared an eye contact for a minute and I pressed my hand on his.

"I don't know about anything else, but I'll never abandon you Stanley. That's one thing I know."
"I know, Felicia. I know now. I've always known. I never stopped believing in you."

I smiled at him. "I'm trying to get evidence. I'm sorry I couldn't come to see you much."
"It's okay. I'm glad you came back."
I looked away trying to be casual. I didn't think that Stanley had done it, but still I didn't want him to know what I was doing or who I was going after in case he wanted to actually protect the culprit, like Noah said. When the timing looked right, I asked,
"Do you know some Julie?"
"Julie? Julie Roberts? Oh yeah, I do. She's on the cheerleading squad. She's asked me out once or twice. Why though?"

"Oh, nothing." I tried to pretend while my heart was almost falling out of my chest.
"Don't tell me you're jealous? Or you heard something from someone?"
"No. Nothing like that."

"I'm just yours, Felicia."
"I know." I smiled.
He smiled back.
"Listen, I need to leave. I'm gonna gather more evidence." I said.
"Come back soon, please?" He said.
"I will."

I rushed home and took out my laptop.
Felicia: He knows some Julie.

P.N: See me at the clock tower. In 20.

I switched off the laptop, took my keys and drove off. Noah was there. I'd known him for around 5 years. We used to meet frequently, I'd moved 2 years ago and since then the clock tower had been our place of meeting. I'd never seen him elsewhere. About who Noah was, well, let's get into that later.

He was dressed in a white shirt. I'd never seen him in any colour except shades of white, black or blue. He never spoke much to me, or anyone infact. Predicting what was on Noah's mind was never possible.

He smiled at me.
"So looks like your boyfriend isn't exactly innocent?"
"And what proves that? He didn't deny knowing Julie. Doesn't mean he's involved in the murder." I said.
"Alright girl, calm down. I meant, it's just a possibility."
"It didn't sound like that." I said, slightly irritated.

He didn't say anything.
"Why do you hate Stanley so much?" I asked him.
"I don't hate him or anything. He just seems to be guilty in this case." He said, clearly trying to cover up. I didn't point it out.
"I'm gonna go talk to Julie. I need to know this to the depth." I said.

I turned around to leave when he said, "Evolet."
I froze to the spot. I turned around.
"Yeah, I know I haven't called you that in years." He said.
"You're not supposed to call me that. That was the ground rule." I said, blankly. He took a step closer and said, "I know. But the ground rule never was that you forget who you actually are and actually turn to Felicia. The ground rule never was to actually fall in love with Stanley."

Alright guys, sorry for the long wait! Here's chapter 8, where you come to know more about Felicia, or may I say, Evolet? ;) Keep reading to get the answers to your questions! Thank you for your tremendous support.

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Love, Kaninika xoxo

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