~Chapter 2~

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Authors Notes:
Chapter 2 is here!!
Sorry it's quite long😬.
I hope you enjoy it...

" Hey Princess, I thought you could use a milkshake from Pops to help you with your article"
He smiled and looked at her with what is only described as 'heart-eyes' . To her he  was the most gorgeous boy on earth. He had thick black soft hair and wave coloured eyes. He was so delicate and gentle. He was so protective and smart.

He was Jughead Jones...

"Thanks Jug."

"What is your article about Betts?"
He asked as he hung his jacket up on the coat rack.
"Justice for the Southside." She said.

The Southside is  part of Riverdale. Our town is divided in two. The Southside and the Northside. The Northside residents think they are superior and think the Southside is inferior garbage they can walk all over. Betty's mom is a big believer of hating the Southside. The Coopers are the most respected family in Riverdale. Perfect Northside residents, no bad things were to be done in the Cooper household, if only the town knew.
Alice Cooper hates the fact that her daughter is dating not only a Southside boy but the son of the King of the Serpents FP Jones as well as being a serpent himself. The Serpents are a gang on the Southside and are blamed for everything, drugs,murders, robberies, violence, fights, vandalism the list is endless!!
Betty was sick of  the superior and inferior.
Betty was sick of the Northside.
Betty was sick of her mom, her dad, anyone. So she decided to begin some research. She decided to begin to fight and protest in the best way she knew: The paper.

"That's sweet Betty, but you don't have to keep fighting for us." His smile could light up the darkest room.
" I do Jug. I have to do this, after everything my mom has done, you know attacking the Southside - this is the least I can do."  Betty smiled.
"If you insist." He laughed as he walked closer to the desk.
"Jug you don't have to stay here, you can go home, it's late anyway."
"Betty I'm not leaving you here, on your own. I don't mind, it's nice for us to be alone."
She looked up from her laptop and tilted her head all the way back so she was staring at the ceiling. He walked into her  view and stood above her. He looked down and chuckled as they shared a look, their eyes were connected, they  shared a relationship with few words sometimes, they knew each other, they were each other. They read each other's mind, they  finished each other's sentences, they  gave each other a conversation with their  eyes, they gave each other a home, a home where there were no secrets, no arguments, no broken hearts, just love...

He walked closer and placed his hands on her  head and began to play with her hair, which was secured in the iconic, original, blonde ponytail, he twiddled his fingers around the little curls in her hair and looked down in a daze. He began to unwrap each layer of her elastic tie until her hair bounced out of the ponytail and sprung to life. It reached her shoulders all messy and tangled, but he loved it.
"Jug..." Betty sighed sighed as she reached for her elastic but instead he playfully threw it across the room. "Go pick that up." Betty demanded but his cute face stared at her with a smug grin creeping up.
"They should call you Smughead Jones." She joked. She couldn't hold a serious face for long and a smile cracked on her  face. She stood up and tutted at him. Betty walked over to where her elastic had landed and bent down to pick it up. What she didn't know was that he had followed her and as Betty  reached down he grabbed her waist with both of his hands and lifted her  in the air. He gripped tightly and spun her around. She laughed so much until tears rolled down her cheeks. He put her down and she turned to face him. He looked at Betty and smirked, the left corner of his mouth twitching. She smirked and the right side of her lip curled. She lifted her  torso as high as she could and he crouched down until their  lips touched. She kissed him gently and slowly. Betty never wanted their lips to part. She slowly released her lips from his. He chuckled lightly and lifted her in the air. He sat Betty down on the desk and they carried on from where they had left off.
She tousled his hair delicately with her fingers feeling every black curl in his mop of hair. He cradled her back and moved his hands around, caressing her  face and holding her neck.
"Jug?" She asked quickly breaking the kiss.
"Yeah" He said as he kissed her neck ever so gently. He kissed up her neck and slowly started kissing her cheeks.
"What if someone walks in." Betty asked as she wrapped her hands  around his neck.
"No one will it's so late." He stopped kissing his beautiful girlfriend and looked her in the eyes.
" Jug?! I texted Kevin an hour ago because he said he wanted to come and help. He'll be here any minute." Betty said as she slowly caressed his face with her fingers. She slowly moved her  thumb on his cheek and stroked around his eye and her fingers lingered there for a few seconds.
"Well then. Let's just." He said as he quickly kissed her again. His kisses were soft and he knew she  couldn't resist them.
Betty kissed him back and moved her hands through his hair as he  held her face as if he was never going to let go.
"Hey Betty I'm here to hel-" Kevin said as he walked through the Blue and Gold door to find his friend Betty  but he actually found Betty and Jughead making out.
"Oh my god, sorry Kev," They quickly stopped kissing and looked at Kevin,
" We were just- Umm-" Betty mumbled, not  really knowing what to say.
" I needed Chapstick, so Betty was helping me out?" Jughead answered stupidly. She hit him in the arm and held out her  hands for him to get her  down. Betty  wrapped her  arms around his neck as he lifted her legs off the table and carried her off. He dropped her legs after a few steps but she kept hold of him. She hugged him around the waist and he rested his arms on her back, with his fingers slowly stroking up and down her back.
"Anyway- You said you needed help with he article?" Kevin asked looking down awkwardly.
"Umm, Yeah But I'm good now actually."She suggested, "Pops?"
Jughead and Kevin swapped glances and nodded simultaneously.
Feedback is welcome people.
I hope you enjoyed
"Finding Happiness"chapter 2

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