~Chapter 10~

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Authors Notes:
Sorry for ranting here but ahhh I'm so annoyed with myself! I accidentally deleted two of my chapters for the sequel of this and I can't get them back!!
Oh yeah, there is a sequel..... once this one is done there will be a second!
Chapter 10 is here
Hope you enjoy....

They drove for a while until the car stopped. She heard Jughead get out of the car and was scared he wasn't coming back.
"Jug?" She  squeaked but as she said that she felt his hands grip hers and he led her out of the car.
"2 minutes to midnight." He  whispered
2 minutes later the clock struck midnight, Jughead untied the bandana and dropped it on the floor.
"Happy One year anniversary baby." He smiled as she looked at their surroundings.
Jughead had taken his girlfriend to the old, run down drive-in. Where they  had their first date...

Betty's POV
"Oh my god oh my god. He's gonna be here soon. Kev I'm so excited! " I tightened my ponytail and looked in the mirror. I had a date with Jughead Jones. He has been one of my closest friends for years but now he had finally asked me out.
"Don't worry. He likes you and you like him." Kevin said as he peered through my wardrobe. "THIS! You are so wearing this." Kevin exclaimed.
"Dude? That's Jughead's t-shirt. He left it here after we had a summer party I must've kept it."
"Exactly. He'll know you definitely like him."
"Fine." I grabbed the t-shirt and laughed.
A few minutes later there was a knock at the the door, thankfully my mom was at work with my dad.
I raced down the stairs and had a quick look in the mirror, I had curled my hair and left it down bouncing on my shoulders, I wore minimal makeup because I knew Jughead always complained about makeup. I wore one of his old t-shirts that he left at my house tucked into a black skater skit.
I opened the door and there he was, holding a bouquet of roses, my favourite. He had his beanie on his head and for a change he was wearing an oversized, grey sweater with a zipper at the top that continued for about a quarter of the way down and he was wearing black skinny jeans as well.
"Hey there Juliet, looking beautiful as always." He winked at me as I pulled on a pair of high tops. I grabbed a set of keys and left my house, Kevin left behind us of course. Jughead and I walked along the streets of Riverdale.
"So Romeo where are we going?"
"That's for me to know and you to find out, so come on." He smirked and grabbed my hand. He walked me to the run down drive, that had been shut down recently.
"Jug? what are we doing here?"
"Well, I have the keys to the storage room upstairs which has a screen and projector so we are going to watch a movie up there, alone unlike at the cinema." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to sit next to him. It was the best date ever.

But today was different. Today he had set up lights all around the room,they were little white stars, and he had clipped thousands of pictures on the lights. Pictures of them from the last year, pictures of them when they were kids, everything. Betty walked over to the screen and in big italic letters it said: "I love you Betty Cooper". Rose petals had been sprinkled all over the room and candles had been lit. On the couch he had hung loads of blankets on it and on the floor. He had put up bars and put blankets up there too, recreating a den that they had made when they were 10. Inside the den he had laid out all her favourite treats- popcorn, Reece's Pieces, jellybeans all of the sensational confectionery that existed, and as well as that on the walls of the den he had put more pictures up. In the middle of the den there was big card with her name on it.
Tears welled up in Betty's eyes and sure enough came pouring out.
"Jug, this is the sweetest thing ever." She kissed him passionately on the lips.
"Let's do it like old times" He said and turned around, he picked her up piggyback style. She laughed and cried,with happiness, as he whisked her into the den.
He sat his sweetheart down and placed himself next to her.
"Open the card, babe" He handed her  the card and popped an m&m in his mouth.
She opened up the card to see it was home made. A piece of paper was stuck to a piece of card which had the writing on it but the paper itself was a drawing Jughead and Betty had made in kindergarten.

Little Betty's POV
"Hey Juggy, can you come and help me draw this."
"Sure Betty." The little boy sat next to me and picked up a green pen.
I started to draw a pink superhero with two blond ponytails and Jughead drew a green superhero with black hair and a grey hat. Together we both wrote in big letters "Betty and Jughead".

That very superhero picture was glued onto white card. She flipped over the card and began to read:
"Betty my beloved,
After knowing you since we were little kids the past 10 years have been amazing. You taught me how to do everything in the first few years. You taught me how to draw, read, tie my shoes. And in the past few years you taught me how to socialise, you taught me my passions like writing for the paper. And in the last year you taught me the most important thing of all: how to love. You are the only person I have ever truly loved and that makes you special because most people love everyone right? Not me, I struggled to love and to feel loved but Betty your light brought me out of the darkness and I promise to love you for eternity onwards.
Love from,
Forsythe Pendelton Jones III  or Jughead! Xxxxxxxxx"

Betty cried with joy and with love. No one had ever loved her and cared for her as much as Jughead does and that's why she knew she could never let go of him, and never will let go of him.
"Jughead Jones the third, I love you more than anything and anyone. No one has ever done anything like this before." She wrapped her arms around his neck and climbed into his lap. He nuzzled his head into her  neck and kissed it softly. When they finally parted she stayed in his lap but turned the other  way so she was facing the screen. Of course he played her favourite movie and the movie that was played on the first date: Rebel without a cause. He wrapped his arms around Betty and she snuggled into him. The night was perfect they ate pizza and candy and most importantly they were happy, in love and together and they couldn't of wished for anything else.

They  parked quite close to the trailer but there was still a bit of walking to go so Jughead gave her  a piggyback the rest of the way. He climbed up the steps and swung open the door to find his dad wide awake on the couch.
"Jug?!Betty?!" He looked so worried as Jughead dropped Betty slowly. Fp walked  over to both of them and wrapped his huge arms around them. "Don't ever scare me like that again." He said as he began  crying. " You weren't returning my calls."
"I took Betty out for our anniversary." Jughead smiled.
"Good." Fp sighed with relief and sat back on the couch. It was late but no one was tired. Jughead and Betty squashed on the armchair in the corner when a loud bang came upon the trailer door...
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                I hope you enjoyed "Finding Happiness" Chapter 10

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