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Robinpaw paced with excitement. Tonight was the gathering, and Flightstar was just about to call out who was going.

"I'm so excited!," Robinpaw said with glee, smiling at her brother.

Foggypaw was grooming his pelt; he had just gone out on a border patrol. "Well clean your pelt. I don't want the other apprentices to laugh at you if you have a leaves on your back."

Robinpaw huffed at her brother, but began grooming her pelt.

Both of their heads popped up as Flightstar jumped into the willow tree.

"Is everyone here?," she first asked.

Robinpaw looked around. It seemed like everybody was.

"We're all here," Timberheart called from a lower branch.

"Ok. Lionrose and Timberheart will obviously go. Patchclaw, Egretflow, Whitefang, Lightscale, Otterpaw, Foggypaw, and Robinpaw will also go."

A small bit of commotion filled the crowd, but Robinpaw was bursting with glee.

"Why are so few cats going?," Greysparrow asked.

"I want the clan to be protected if Mapleclan tries to ambush us. We can't know for sure that they won't," Flightstar said logically.

The clan quieted down in acceptance and understanding.

Robinpaw bounded over to where the cats called were gathering by the entrance. She gleamed at Foggypaw.

"I'm so excited!," she said loudly.

Foggypaw's tail was flicking back and forth. "Me too. I can wait."

"Foggypaw, Robinpaw," Lightscale said, making them turn their heads. "Stay close to me. Mapleclan may be hostile since you're young."

"What!," Robinpaw yelled. "Isn't there a full moon truce?"

"Can't we meet apprentices from Willowclan?," Foggypaw asked.

Before Lightscale could respond, Otterpaw butted in.

"They can stay with me. I know which cats to stay away from but I can introduce them to Willowclan." Otterpaw spoke logically.

Lightscale looked at the three apprentices nervously, but let out a breathe and nodded. "Ok. Just...Just listen to Otterpaw."

Otterpaw gave out a large grin.

"He's still an apprentice," Robinpaw said, still irritated that they had to be watched.

"I'm 11 moons. Almost a warrior," Otterpaw said.

Robinpaw huffed.

"Enough chit chat. Let's get going," Flightstar called as she began to leave camp.

Robinpaw pranced behind her mother, followed by her brother and Otterpaw.

The sky was speckled with stars as they walked. Robinpaw gazed up, admiring the dancing silver lights.

As they neared, strong, strange scents began to waft around her. Robinpaw scrunched up her nose in disgust.

"Ugh! What's that smell?," she said.

Otterpaw looked at her in confusion. "Haven't you been to the border? That's Willowclan."

"We're not allowed to go on border patrols until we're 7 moons old," Foggypaw huffed, irritated. He also wrinkled his nose.

"That sucks," Otterpaw chuckled.

"It's safe," Lightscale said firmly. "No one wants cats who haven't even seen all four seasons getting hurt."

Robinpaw gave her mother a slight glare from behind before glancing at her brother, who wore the same expression on his face.

The large trees that loomed higher and higher the closer they got them amazed Robinpaw. The dirt under her feet began to be uneven.

Soon they walked onto the roots in between the three trees. Foggypaw and Robinpaw were us used to the terrain and fumbled over the knots. Robinpaw was nervous. She had never seen so many cats, and never believed that she would. The WillowClan cats were very slender, but Robinpaw only guessed it was genes.

"Follow me. I'll introduce you to some of the other apprentices," Otterpaw called as scampered over to a group of young cats.

Robinpaw followed eagerly, but ducked her head shyly as they approached the others.

"Hey guys. These are two new apprentices, Robinpaw and Foggy," Otterpaw said, flicking his tail towards Robinpaw and Foggypaw.

An identical sandy she-cat and tom nodded their heads. "I'm Sandypaw and this is my sister, Heatherpaw," the tom motioned towards his sister.

Heatherpaw had beautiful green eyes. Robinpaw tried not to stare.

"I'm Thistlepaw!," a cheery white tom said.

Robinpaw nodded her greeting.

"How old are you?," Foggypaw asked.

"9 moons," the sandy siblings said simultaneously.

"And I'm 7 moons," Thistlepaw added.

Another wave a new smell washed over them; it was flowery and sweet.

Robinpaw turned around to see harsh eyed cats padding into the clearing, staring at Amberclan. Robinpaw noticed her clan gather together.

"Should we go back?," she asked Otterpaw.

He shook his head. "We can stay here until Mapleclan starts arguing with us. Then we'll go back, just in case they start a fight."

"And why would we do that?" A voice sounded out of sight.

Robinpaw turned her head to see two orange cats padding towards them. They sat next to the Willowclan cats.

Otterpaw's eyes turned to slits. "Because you're heartless murderers."

One of she-cats, an orange siamese, rolled her eyes. "If Amberclan wasn't so idiotic, they'd see that we had no part in Snowwhisker's death."

Robinpaw glared at the two Mapleclan apprentices. "If Mapleclan wasn't so idiotic, they'd stop lying and fess up."

They glared at her, and Robinpaw's pelt suddenly prickled with nervousness.

"Once you grow up, you'll understand why we'll never succumb to Amberclan," the other she-cat, an orange tabby, said with a blank but menacing face.

Foggypaw opened his mouth to defend his sister, but was cut off by Flightstar announcing the beginning of he Gathering.

"Let's all quiet down!," Flightstar called.

Robinpaw glared at the Mapleclan apprentices once more before looking up at her leader.

"May I go first?," the red she-cat asked.

Emberstar nodded his head. Rainstar huffed in acceptance.

Flightstar cleared her throat. "Prey is running fairly, and we have two new apprentices: Foggypaw and Robinpaw." Amberclan and Willowclan called their names. Robinpaw raised her head in pride. "I can't wait for them to prove their power against Mapleclan."

Emberstar stepped forward on his branch. "Prey is also running well, and we have three new kits!"

Congratulations echoed through the clans and Rainstar stepped forward.

"I only have one thing to say, to Flightstar."

Robinpaw looked at the blue she-cat in confusion. "Does this happen often?," she asked Otterpaw.

He shook his head, a bewildered and intrigued look in his eyes.

Robinpaw looked at the orange apprentices. They had smug smiles on their faces. Robinpaw looked back at Rainstar.

"We will take what you owe us, whatever it takes."

I'm so sorry that this chapter came out so late. I went to a wedding a couple of weeks ago and then had state testing, so I wasn't in the mood or had the time to write anything. I know this chapter is sucky, but I promise the next one will be better.

They Will Never Understand(Book 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang