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Fernheart crouched down, not breathing enough to even stir the grass. He looked below at the sharp drop, the height gut-wrenching.

Fernheart looked behind him. He saw the tip of a silver striped tail whisk back behind a bush.

Please stay safe, he thought to himself.

Fernheart looked around him; his sister on one side and Ripplefall on the other. Each of them was staring down, waiting.

Like they all were.

The chatter of young cats sounded from below.

"We aren't supposed to be patrolling the border, Otterpaw." The voice came from a startlingly red apprentice.

"We aren't. Wolfspirit told me to help you guys learn to hunt together, and snakes live in this cliff. We'll just mark the border on our way." A white and brown tom, Otterpaw, marked the side of the cliff before sniffing along the border, heading towards the path to the mesa.

Fernheart was pushed by his sister to move in the same direction, and slowly Fernheart followed his deputy and waited just in the last line of grass with his clan.

I don't want this. I don't want this.

Fernheart's pelt prickled with nervousness. The dark grey sky imitated his mood.

The apprentices now stood below the path.

"I dare you to go up there, Foggypaw," the brown tom's voice sounded.

Fernheart looked at Ripplefall, wondering when they were supposed to attack. Ripplefall crouched down low, preparing to spring.

"Only if you do it first."

The sound of paws crunching on the dirt told Fernheart that the cat had accepted the offer.

As the brown and white tom appeared only a few tail lengths away, Fernheart's tail began twitching. He was incredibly nervous.

"Now come on up. You too Robinpaw." Otterpaw looked around, completely unaware of the Mapleclan cats waiting in ambush.

A black tom and the red she-cat walked up anxiously, looking around.

"Ok, let's go back," the black tom said turning around quickly. But the other cats weren't moving.

Fernheart noticed the apprentices looking at the grass with squinted eyes. He could here his tail rustling the grass and forced himself to stop.

"Yeah," the red she-cat said, but Ripplefall flicked his tail for specified cats to attack.

Redleaf, Dustsparrow, and Briarflight sprung from the grass.The apprentices stood there in shock as they were attacked. They were easily bowled over by the warriors.

Fernheart could barely watch as the warriors attacked the innocent apprentices.

Dustsparrow was having a surprisingly hard time fighting with Otterpaw. Briarflight was starting to get the hold of the black tom. Fernheart found it hard to tell what was happening with Redleaf and the red she-cat. Their pelt colors were the exact same color.

As Fernheart focused on Redleaf's fight, he noticed the warriors strikes missing most of the time. And when he did make contact, he seemed to wince.

Redleaf must not like hurting innocent apprentices. That's good.

Fernheart looked around to see if anyone had noticed, but they seemed more focused on the other fights

Redleaf managed to pin down the red she-cat, but he hesitated. In the time where he did nothing, Fernheart saw a flash of fear in Redleaf's eyes.

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