Hiei Jaganshi x Reader ● Part 1 ●

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Hi! Of course, I'd do my bae first!
Anyway! This is my first time writing a one- shot book. So please be gentle with me.
And please enjoy! 💗💗😄😄

Italics- ' Thoughts '
Bold- " Conversations "

( Your Name )'s POV

' Ughh. I'm sooooo tired! Why did I even follow that damned but cute and adorable bunny rabbit anyway. Now I'm lost!!! Uuuugggghhhhh!!!! '

If you're wondering. I'm inside a forest. What am I doing now, you ask? Well, if you really want to know. I'm enjoying the scenery of this fine forest I've brought myself in. Yeah, right! I am obviously lost and have no way of getting out what so ever!!!  And whats more! This forest is freakin' creepy and scary as hell!!! I feel like I'm being watched or something!!! And it's freakin' cold too! And Dad's going to kill me if he finds out I got lost again. And I didn't even eat my dinner yet! Yeah, it' already evening. And I'm hungry!!!

' Uugghh... how much longer? Why does this always happen to me?!?!?! Of all the-- '

As I was in the middle of my ranting inside my head, I heard a rustle at a nearby bush. Now, if you must understand. I'm not the type of girl who believes in ghouls or demons and any of the supernatural. But I do still get creeped out. So it's not surprising that I'd approach the bush and see what's there, right? Right.

" Um. Is anyone there? Oh! Can you help me find a way out of here? I'd really appreciate it! You see, I got lost and can't find my way out! Can you please help me?.... Hello? " I shouted for someone to hear me. I continued approaching the bush without hesitating. As I got nearer, the bush started to shake violently. Now, approaching cautiously, I slowly but silently went and touched the bush. As I looked behind it, it was ( much to my relief ) just a bunny rabbit on the ground. But it was shaking, as if it was scared of something. As I went to touch the bunny rabbit, it ( at least i think it did ) looked behind me and darted away.

" H- Hey! Wait! Bunny rabbit! " I called out to the frightened bunny and reached out my hand. But it was already to far away to reach. So I set my hand down and stood up. Looking at the direction the bunny rabbit darted to.

" Huh. What got that cute, fuzzy, and adorable bunny rabbit so terrified? I wasn't going to hurt it. Geez. " I mumbled to myself. Not realizing that someone or something was behind me.

" But I would. Hahahaha!!! " Someone exclaimed behind me. I gasped and turned around. It was someone ( if I can even call it that ) with a greenish shade of skin and has two horns at the top of his head. His clothes are that of a human's with brown trousers and a plain black shirt. But I don't really think this guy's human. Now, I believe I did say that I don't believe in the supernatural. I guess this is an exception. This guy looks like a malnourished demon type thing! And yes. He is that thin.

' Ohhh nooo. I'm in trouble now! Wait. Why am I even still standing here?!?! Stupid me! I should run for my life right now! '

As I was thinking, the malnourished demon type thing-- ok that's too long of a name. I'll just call him..... MDTT. Yeah! That's more like it. Anyway, as I was saying. MDTT is getting closer and closer to me by the minute. And since I still want to live to be able to see BTS's Concert, I dashed away fast. Although I really don't know where I am or where I'm going, I just didn't care. I ran as fast as I can with MDTT hot on my tracks.

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