Chapter 1

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"Good morning sweetie" My mom says to me as I walk downstairs.

"Good morning" I say back

"I checked your emails this morning. Something pretty exciting came" She says.

Right away I raced to the computer. I auditioned for this tv show that I really like and I have been hoping that I got the part for a couple months now. I hope this is that email. It's a lot more mature than all the disney stuff I have done. Its set in a high school and its very much like Freaks and Geeks, Boy Meets World, Glee (minus the singing. I wish there was singing though) and One Tree Hill. They wanted mainly eighteen and nineteen year olds for the show since we are out of high school and won't have to do schooling while working and we don't have a limited hours that we are allowed to work. I'll explain more about the tv show and its plot later.

I open the computer and log into my email. My mom and dad have the password to this email since its my work email. I have my personal one too that they don't know the password to that one. I click on the first email that says "Congratulations" It was from Netflix because that is where the show is airing. 

"Congratulations Ms. Carpenter,

You got the role of Summer Chase in the new Netflix television series Chemistry alongside other actors like Jordan Fisher, Bradley Steven Perry, Olivia Holt and more. Filming starts next Friday, April 27th. Can't wait to see you there!

Netflix Inc.

"Haha your working with your ex" Sarah says and laughs.

"Oh well" I say.

I respond to the email saying thank you and then shut down the computer.

"Are you excited?" My mom asks.

"Yeah. I am" I say.

"Excited to kiss Bradley again" Sarah says and laughs.

"I'm not gonna kiss him. I'm just working on the show with him" I say.

"He plays your love interest" She says.

"How do you know?" I ask.

"The entire cast list and characters are online" Sarah says.

"Cool" I say.

I go upstairs and go to my room. I check my phone. I had a lot of texts from a lot of my friends congratulating me on the new tv show. Apparently all my fans found out before me, that's the usual. I did have a text from Bradley.

Bradley: Congrats on getting casted. See you next week

I responded

Me: Thanks Bradley. Congrats to you too. See you soon

After I went online to see the cast list.

Let me tell you a little bit about the show before I tell you the cast list.

It's centered around this eleventh grade chemistry class, the reason it is called Chemistry. A majority of the kids barley know each other before starting that class and they are all apart of different social groups. They knew who each other were prior to the class but never really talked. Basically they become friends just in this chemistry class and barely talk to each other outside of it.

I'm playing Summer, the popular girl. She's pretty sweet but sometimes mean. Lots of little surprises are in store for her.

I have a older brother who is a senior. His name is Charlie. He is kinda just a side character. He really only shows up in one or two scenes per episode. He is very free spirited and independent. He is played by Peyton Meyer. Kinda ironic, he went from playing ones of my love interests to my older brother. I wonder how fans are going to feel about that. I'm really excited to work with him again.

My best friend in the show is named Maggie. That is the role I originally auditioned for but I ended up getting Summer (the lead character) instead. Maggie is another popular girl since she is my best friend in the show. She is played by Joey King so I am really excited for that. I am good friends with her.

Maggie has a little brother on the show played by the one and only Ocean Maturo, Auggie Maturo's little brother. Very excited to work with him again too. He guest starred on a episode of Girl Meets World as little Auggie. I'm finally gonna have a scene with him. In GMW I didn't get a scene with him. Ocean's name is Tyler on the show. He is basically just the annoying little brother who is always around. There is a reason to his always around though.

My boyfriend in the show is played by my real life ex boyfriend Bradley Steven Perry. His name is Chris. He is the main male character. He is on the football team and baseball team.

Cameron Boyce from Jessie is on the show too. His characters name is Brody. He is on the football team as well. He isn't the best player but they like his enthusiasm. He is a little goofy but Chris takes a liking to him. Cameron originally auditioned for Chris, kinda wish he got it instead of Bradley.

The next character is Olive. She is played by China Anne McClain. Her dad is the producer of the tv show so she had a lot of say in her character. She chose the name Olive as like a tribute to ANT Farm. I actually really like that. She didn't want to do China since that is her real life name. The character's personality is very edgy and quiet. She got a big say in casting too which is why a lot of people she knows or has worked with before are on the show.

Olivia Holt is playing the smart girl. She is a total teachers pet and no one in the class really likes her but we all love her in real life. Her name is Skylar on the show.

Jordan Fisher is playing a senior and my brothers best friend. I have a good amount of scenes with him. Me and Jordan are definitely going to have to film a lot of duets behind the scenes. His name is Holden on the show.

Paris Berelc is on the show. She has been looking to do something where she is a little more nerdy because she is always playing the popular girl so this is it. So she is playing a nerdy girl and she is really excited about that. Her name is Molly.

All the other characters are minor characters and don't have much to them. They will be introduced throughout the series.

I'm very excited to work with this cast. A lot of them are my friends and/or people I have worked with before. It will definitely be fun. I texted a lot of them saying congrats on the show and that I can't wait to see them soon. I even went out to dinner with Joey to celebrate.

I took to Instagram to post about the show. This is what I posted;

I captioned it: I can't wait to work with this little buggah again

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I captioned it: I can't wait to work with this little buggah again. Missed you Ocean and your family 🖤 #tbt #chemistry

I posted a video on my instagram story of me and Joey on our dinner date with the caption: "Three people asked us if we were twins" because three separate people actually came up and asked if we were twins. We told them yes even though we aren't.

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