Chapter 2

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Day 1:

The first day on a new set is just like the first day of school except you know everyone that is going to be in your class from the internet. I am very excited to work with the people in this cast. A lot of them are people a have worked with before or am friends with already.

Me and my mom park the car and I get out into the parking lot. The first person I see is Ocean.

"Hi buddy" I say to him and give him a hug. He had just gotten out of his car.

"Hi Sabrina" He says.

"How are you?" I ask.

"Good. I was waiting for you because I was too scared to go inside alone" He says.

"There is nothing to be scared of. Besides you have your mommy" I say.

"I know" He says.

I hold his hand and we start walking inside.

"Where is Auggie?" I ask him.

"Not here" Ocean says.

"I can see that" I say.

"He is at school. I don't know what they are doing today but he didn't want to miss is" Ocean's mom says.

"Got it" I say.

We walk inside and there is a group of teenagers sitting in a circle, those are my co stars. This was just like a common room. There was a whiteboard that had "Aim: Getting to know each other" written on it. That is something teachers use in school sometimes.

Me and Ocean walked over to the circle and sit down. I sat next to Joey. I said hi to her as I sit and she said hi back. Ocean sat on the other side of me and on the other side of him was Peyton.

"Hi little buddy" Peyton said to Ocean.

"Hi" Ocean said back.

I look around and almost everyone was here. Bradley and China weren't here yet.

"Why are we in a circle?" I ask Joey. This is ones of the weirdest first days on set that I have had so far. We have never done anything like this.

"I'm not sure. When I walked in they just told us to sit. I assume we are going a getting to know you exercise" She says.

"Ok" I say.

"Sabrina" Ocean whispers to me.

"Yeah?" I ask

"Who's my sister?" He whispers

"That's Joey" I say and point to her.

"Hi Ocean" She says to him.

"Hi" He says back a little shyly. It's not like Ocean to be shy. He's in a new place with a lot of new people he has never met so I wouldn't blame him if he was a little quieter today. By the end of the week I wouldn't be surprised if he was the star of the show.

"Do you remember her? She came on set of Girl Meets World a couple times" I say. He was only think three when she came, he probably doesn't remember. Auggie has met her as couple times and knows her.

"No" He says.

"That's ok" She says

Our director, Michael comes out with China following close behind him. It makes sense that she wasn't with the group since she is his daughter. Bradley still isn't here.

"Welcome guys" Michael says and stands over us. "You're probably wondering why you are seated in a circle and we will get the that later." He says. "I don't think there are going to be a lot of you but do or did any of you go to a regular school?" He asks.

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