Chapter 3

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Day 2:

Corey drove me to set today. My mom stayed home instead of driving me. We get out of the car and Ocean comes running up to us.

"Corey!!" He yells and hugs him. He was really surprised.

"Hi Ocean" Corey says and hugs him back.

"I haven't seen you in so long" Ocean says and let's go from the hug.

"I know. It's been too long" Corey says. It's really only been a month. They went to the beach together last month.

"He made sure to wait for you so you didn't walk in alone" Ocean's mom says.

"That is very sweet. I can't wait to walk in with him everyday" I say.

We walk inside and the white board says "Aim: Start filming episode one: "Pilot"

"What does the board say?" Ocean asks me.

"It says that today's aim is to start filming the first episode" I say.

"Yay" Ocean says.

"Did you memorize your lines?" Corey asks him.

"Yeah. Auggie helped all night" Ocean says.

"When is Auggie going to come to set?" I ask.

"I think he is going to come on Friday" Ocean's mom says.

"I can't wait" I say.

We walk inside and see all the sets. Some people are already dressed for the episode and on the sets, talking.

I go into my dressing room to get dressed for the episode and Ocean goes to his. Corey came into my dressing room with me. If we are going to fake being boyfriend and girlfriend he may as well stay in my dressing room.

"Go into the bathroom while I get dressed" I say.

"Why can't you go into the bathroom?" He asks.

"Because this is my dressing room and I am going to tell you want to do" I say.

"Fine. I have to pee anyway" He says and goes into the bathroom.

I get dressed into my outfit for the episode. It was just a cute sundress and sandals.

Once I change I knock on the door and tell him he can come out. He does and we sit on the couch.

"Just so you know I told Joey about our little thing and she is going to knock on the door when Bradley leaves his dressing room and we are going to kiss as she opens the door so he sees" I say.

"I agreed to be your fake boyfriend not to kiss you" He says.

"What's the big deal? We kiss all the time" I say.

"That's different. It's for when we aren't seeing other people and just want to kiss someone" He says.

"Great. I'm not seeing anyone right now and you aren't either and I want to kiss someone" I say.

"Fine" He says.

I hear a knock on the door and I quickly pull Corey into a kiss and then pull away as the door is opening.

"Oh Jesus. Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt anything" I hear Bradley say.

"It's fine Bradley." I say. I stand up and go over to the door. Corey stays seated on the couch. "What's up?" I ask him.

"Um I was just wondering if you wanted to run lines together sometime since we do have a lot of scenes together" He says.

"That's sweet Bradley and thank you for the offer but I think we should keep this completely professional." I say.

"Oh okay. That's fine" He says. He sounded disappointed. I felt bad.

"I'll see you out there" I say.

"Ok" He says and leaves.

I close the door and turn to Corey.

"That's not cool Sabrina. He was just trying to be nice" Corey says.

"I know but I don't want to run lines with him. We kiss a lot in the show and I don't want to kiss him in real life" I say.

"You don't have to kiss him in rehearsal" He says.

"Whatever Corey. It's done and over with now. Let's just go to set" I say.

We leave my dressing room and go into hair and makeup. I completely forgot I had to do that. I am there for about a half an hour getting my hair straightened and then they put makeup on me.

Once I am done I go to set. We start in five minutes. Corey was standing with Peyton and Ocean and talking to them. I go over and talk to them for a couple minutes.

Micheal goes in front of the crowd and quiets them down. "Hi guys. I hope you all are as excited as me to start filming. First scene is going to be the getting ready scene and everything before school starts but we aren't filming that just yet. We are filming it tomorrow. That scene is with Joey, Bradley, Sabrina and Ocean. The first scene we are going to film is the scene in the classroom" Micheal says.

For the opening scene I am in my bedroom straightening my hair (which they already straightened in hair and makeup) and I keep looking out my window waiting for Bradley to show up. 

The scene in the classroom is just us walking into it and the teacher, played by Matthew Morrison from Glee.

I walk into the classroom with Joey.

"Good morning girls. Please take a paper" Matthew says to us.

Me and Joey walk to the seats Micheal assigned to us.

"The teacher is hot" Joey whispers.

"Please shut up" I say back.

China walks in after us and then Cameron. Bradley walks in after and sits behind me. I give him a kiss on the lips. First kiss of this entire journey. Definitely not going to be the last.

Matthew yells at us saying no PDA in his classroom. Everyone laughed.

So Matthew does the little introduction to the class and then takes attendance. I only had two lines for the rest of the scene. I was me teasing Bradley and then when the teacher called my name.

"And cut" Micheal yells when the scene is over.

We all clap and cheer.

"That's a warp for today guys. Head to your dressing rooms and maybe run lines amongst yourselves." He announces. "Sabrina, Bradley can you come here for a minute?" He asks. I nod and me and Bradley start walking over to him. "You guys did great today! You can really feel the love" He starts.

"I wouldn't exactly call that love. It's more awkward then anything" Bradley says.

Micheal just kinda ignores him. "It was great. Just so you know, you two are about to have a baby" He says. Bradley's jaw dropped while I had a surprised face. "Any questions?" He asks. Me and Bradley both shake our heads. "Great. I'll see you tomorrow" Micheal says and walks away.

"We're gonna make some beautiful children. See you around baby momma" Bradley says and laughs.

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