Chapter 5

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Day 4;

Today's aim: Finish up episode one. Scripts for episode two out now.

I walk on to set (with Ocean of course) and see today's aim. I have a scene with Joey and Ocean and that's all I have for today.

I go into my dressing room and the new script is sitting right on the coffee table.

I sit on the table and start reading it. It's basically just the next day of school and when the class starts getting close. It starts with me and Joey walking into school talking and ends with a moment with the entire class. It's not all just me, Bradley and Joey this episode. All the cast members have a part. We start filming on Monday. Today is Thursday.

I quickly read through and then I went to back to the old script to see my lines with Joey and Ocean. After I went to hair and makeup and then went to set. Ocean and Joey weren't there yet. I get my hair and make up done and as I was leaving Joey was going in and I'm not sure where Ocean is.

I thought now would be a good time to check out Summer's bedroom set. I've only been in there once for one little quick scene.

There is a shelf with some books and there is a desk with some school books on it. There is a dresser. I looked inside the drawers and there was just a bunch of clothes. There was a sign that said "Wardrobe storage: Girls" on the top of the pile.

On top of the dresser was a few picture frames. There was one of me and Joey when we were like fourteen at some event. Then there is a picture of us from Disneyland from a couple months ago. We were sitting on a staircase and Joey's hair was blowing in her face and she wasn't ready for the picture. I look good though. Next was some pictures of me and Bradley. There were two. One was of me and him on Valentine's Day back when we were dating. I was laughing and he was looking at me and smiling. And then there was another one of us at some Disney event. I was wearing a all white and he was wearing a suit and it was all romantic. It kinda looked like we were getting married. There was a picture of me and Peyton. It was from on set of Girl Meets World. It was when we were filming the season three intro. Finally there was one of me and Ocean. It was backstage when he came to the Detour. It was in a smaller frame then the rest. I picked it up and looked at it. On the back it said "Dear Summer, you don't have any pictures of me in your room so here is one. Love, Tyler" That will probably come into a episode at one point. There was a closet in the room but I opened it and there was just nothing behind it.

I was pretty much alone. There were a few crew members working at that was it. I saw Bradley walking up to me.

"Hey" Bradley says

"Hi" I say back.

"How are you?" He asks.

"I'm good" I say.

He sits on the edge of the bed so I sit next to him.

"How are you?" I ask.

"I'm good too" He says.

"Are you filming anything today?" I ask

"No. Just here to read the new script" He says. "How about you?" He asks.

"One little scene with Ocean and Joey and that's it" I say.

"That's cute" He says.

It was silent for a couple minutes. We just sat there starring at each other. He start to lean in and I do too.

"Great" Micheal says and claps his hands. "Your both here" We weren't that close together yet but we pull away. "I see that you guys are practicing scenes and that is great but save the kissing for the show. I wanted to talk to you both. We've decided to cut the bedroom make out scene. We felt as if it was too much for the first episode. I'm sorry. Definitely look forward to the third script. It's gonna be a good episode for the two of you" Micheal says.

"Ok. Thank you" Bradley says to Micheal.

"No problem. Sabrina your scene starts in five minutes" He says.

"Ok" I say and he walks away.

"So, where were we" Bradley says and starts to lean in.

"I don't think so buddy" I say and stand up.

"Worth a try" He says and shrugs his shoulders.

I walk to the set where me, Ocean and Joey are filming our scene and Bradley goes in the other direction towards the dressing rooms.

I'm a little mad that they cut out the scene because it was pretty uncomfortable to film and I definitely did not to want to film it with Bradley. Anyone else I wouldn't care. I guess I am a little happy people won't see me half naked on top of my ex now.

For this particular scene we are going to be in two different sets. There is one that is Joey's kitchen and then her driveway.

It took about a hour and a half to film all of it. It normally takes longer when a little kid is in the scene. It starts with me and Joey talking in her driveway waiting to get Ocean off the bus. They actually brought in a little bus for this scene. Then we go into her kitchen and talking for a little while. Then after a couple minutes of talking I say I need to leave. The storyline is that Chris texts me to have a sleepover because his parents aren't home.

Once we were done with the scene Micheal yells "And cut" He then says "Congrats guys. We just finished the first episode"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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