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📌 "i'm not perfect, i make mistakes

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📌 "i'm not perfect, i make mistakes."📌

" "Congratulations He Ri-ssi, you're 5 weeks pregnant,"

That phrase keeps repeating in my head.

This can't be, I can't be pregnant. I don't even remember sleeping with anyone—and I'm scared of being a teen mom. I should tell my mum first right? Yeah I'll do that."

I walked home with sweaty palms. I was already nervous enough but these butterflies in my stomach won't stop. "Mum, I'm home," I shouted.

"Oh hey honey, did you go to the clinic?" she asked. Right I told myself I would tell her. "Mom.. uh–okay don't be mad at me but I'm pregnant," I sighed after letting it out.

"I'm so sorry for being such an irresponsible daughter I really didn't mean to make such a thing," i sobbed.

"It's okay honey, it's okay," she consoled me.

"Do you know who the father is?" I shook my head.

"Don't you dare to even think about aborting it okay?" she said and I nodded.

You're all probably wondering why I'm not getting shouted at badly or getting told to get out of the house or why she's so calm after knowing her only daughter is pregnant, it's because she's a teen mom too, she had me when she was 18. I'm 17 years old and I'm already having a baby. I guess she knows what I'll be going through so that's why she doesn't want to make things even harder for me.

I know that since I was young. She'd always tell me stories about how she had me at such a young age. She keeps reminding me to never go to a club or drink with a guy, because that's where things would go wrong.

But one night, I couldn't get my mind straight: the night my father died. It was horrible. He always cheered my up when I was down since I never had any clubs to go to or drinks to consume to clear my mind.

The night he died, I didn't want to talk to anyone. Not even my mum, (they were lovers was one I grew to admire), I just wanted to be alone.

So I went out to drink.

They had me at such a young age and they went through so much to keep me. I couldn't face her because i felt like i was the one at fault for my fathers' death. Now i have a child and i have no idea or any clue of who the father is.

"Hey Sooyoung, I went to the clinic today and you were right," I sighed into the phone,"I'm pregnant, it explains all the vomiting in the morning."

Sooyoung is my bestfriend and she was always there for me. If my dad was busy, she'd be the one to cheer me up. Unfortunately, the night my dad passed away, Sooyoung went for an overseas trip with her family to Australia. No one was there to stop me from drinking. I just remember that I kept drinking and drinking and drinking. I ended up in my bed the next morning though.

"But how did you know I slept with someone though? I can't remember anything at all," i asked.

"Well that's because you were drunk, sweetie," she laughed.

"Okay, any clue on who that guy is?" I asked.

"Of course I wouldn't let you sleep with someone I didn't know," she said. I can sense her smirking from the other line.

"Hyung can you please cheer up and don't show the fans that you're upset? It's been two months... let her go," Jinyoung tried to console JB.

"I don't know where I went wrong.. In Ha changed," JB said.

"Well, whatever it is cheer up we have a fan meeting later on," Manager hyung said.

"Sooyoung, what are we doing here? Got7 fansign? I don't even know these guys" I shout-whispered to her.

"Well you're about to, let's go," she pulled me into the entrance of the building. It was cold inside and there were alot of people too.

"Okay so there are 7 boys and you slept with one of them–," I shut her mouth. "YAH CAN YOU NOT TALK SO LOUD?!" I shouted, and all eyes were on me. I bowed to everyone and apologised.

"Wait how do you know who i slept with?" I asked her. She was overseas when my father passed away.
"I have my informant🌚," she smirked.

And suddenly they all started screaming and shouting, why? They were so loud I started closing my ears. "There there your one is there," Sooyoung repeatedly tapped my arms.

"Where? I don't even know how he looks like," I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"The one with the brown hair," she said, I scanned the group and saw him.

"Are you sure I slept with someone like him? There's no way he would sleep with someone like me," I whispered

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"Are you sure I slept with someone like him? There's no way he would sleep with someone like me," I whispered.

"I don't know but he definitely did I mean you're 5 weeks pregnant? Yeah you both slept about 2 months ago and there is a possibility that the baby is his," what she said sort of made sense but I'm scared.

"Okay so what are we gonna do now?" I asked her.

"Well we'll just try to go through the fanmeeting and see if he recognises you," she sounded so hopeful. While I'm here slowly digging my own grave.

"Shit so you're saying I might be pregnant with an idol child?" I finally realised. Sooyoung just nod her head. My life is officially doomed. These fans are crazy and I mean craaaaazy crazy. Don't even get me started with sasaengs fans.

It's been already 30 minutes into the fanmeeting and all they've done is talk to the fans. Sooyoung said JB kept looking at our way and I was ready to bury myself alive. I just kept a straight face. But I was lowkey dying on the inside.

Now the fans can talk face to face with the idols and I'm so scared that he might recognize me. Sooyoung passed me their album so they could sign it.

Soon it was my turn to see JB. Breath in breath out.
"Hello, what's your name?" he asked.

"Oh um my name is He ri, Kim He Ri," why am I trembling.

He was about to sign when I said my name but he stopped. "What's wrong?," I asked.

"You.. GET HER BACKSTAGE," he suddenly shouted.

One of the manager came towards me and pulled me up and soon i was in a room.

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