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"Thanks for the help back there." McGregor walked back to Robez who was rubbing his chest.

"Don't thank me yet, you shouldn't have gotten involved."

"What was I supposed to do, you should've seen what he was doing to Robez, I've never seen anything like it before"

"You've never seen a siphon?" Shelby sounded as if it was a such a common thing.

"A siphon? No."

"That explains why you risked interrupting it," Shelby muttered under his breath, as he got back up to his feet.

"Look, I can explain but we need to get someplace in the open, preferably with some angels around, The Slavs are ballsy but they aren't crazy"

"The Slavs?" McGregor starting to feel dumb asking so many questions.

"Look, if we're gonna be dragging around this Old Timer, fine, but we..."

"His name is Robez." McGregor interrupted.

"...Robez, fine, whatever. We need to go. We got off easy, that big sonofabitch should be back to close to full strength by now." Shelby stood up.

"Okay, the Courtyard is that much farther." McGregor conceded. The two helped up Robez, who was in much better shape but still was weak and shivering. The three walked slowly towards town, periodically looking back to check if there was any sign of Bigz. They made it about halfway before Robez began groaning.

The Old Timer began mumbling to himself. McGregor and Shelby stopped, they figured Robez wanted to stop and rest for a bit, both were shocked when he shook them off.

"Get off me ya damn ghoulies" Robez shouted, his raspy voice sounded weak and strained. The two were startled by the outburst and allowed him to stand on his own as they watched him.

"Hey, Robez, how are you doing?" McGregor asked.

"You know me, a picture of health." Robez joked as he tried to warm himself up by quickly rubbing his hands together. Shelby looked at McGregor with a look of pity.

"We still got a way to go, we need to get to the courtyard. Bigz is gonna be looking for us."

"That damned bastard, I'd like to see him try that funny business in my younger days, I woulda whooped his ass." Shelby laughed at the crassness.


An old man browsed through his bedroom closet, as he slowly buttoned up his white dress shirt. The joints of his old fingers cracking and popping in protest as they struggle to perform such precise and exacting maneuvers. After each couple buttons, Frank Osmen would pump his fist a couple times attempting to get the blood pumping, hopefully making the next button a little easier. He finds the jacket he had in mind and removed it from the hanger, he laid it out on the bed with care. He walked over to the mirror and finished the rest of his shirt's buttons. When he finished he took a quick breather to admire his work. Frank rarely looked at himself in the mirror anymore, he didn't see the need. However, for special occasions, like today, he would make sure to look as presentable as he could. He swept what hairs he had left on his head, over with his fingers and felt his cheeks. It had been a couple days since he shaved, so the rough stubble that had grown opposed his fingers and made a sound like sandpaper on stone. He let out a sigh and figured it was about time to take care of it. Frank contemplated removing his dress shirt before shaving but he didn't want to have to do the buttons again, so he decided against it.

"Hey Betz, I'm gonna shave real quick, be down it a bit" Frank called out as he exited the bedroom and entered the bathroom. He switched on the light and was again greeted by an old man in a mirror. Frank opened the cupboard above the toilet and removed a small black leather case and placed it on the counter. He unzipped the case and removed an electric shaver, it's power cable slithered out of the case as Frank held it in his hand, a birthday present from his son. He removed the rest of the cord from the case and plugged it into the socket by the sink. Frank paused expecting it to turn on in his hand but nothing happened.

The In-Between and After: A Ghost's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now