The Escape

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Bigz ran down the street, his mind was racing though still addled from earlier. He listened to hear if he was being followed. He ducked into an alley and phased through a door and found himself in a small dark room. Some kind of storage closet. He tried to be silent but he could feel another coughing spell coming on. Ever since he was interrupted he could shake it.

In the street, a ghost in a blue uniform ran down the street and stopped on the sidewalk, he took out a flashlight from his belt and shined it into the alley that Bigz went in. He paused for a second and closed his eyes, trying to feel the spiragy trail, though he wasn't able to. He stepped further but it was no use.

"Damn" the ghost cursed. "I lost the trail, over." The ghost groaned, frustration in his voice. He paused for a second then stepped closer into the Alley, again trying to find a trail. A few seconds into the search a bright light behind him projecting his shadow down the alley. The angel in the dark blue uniform appeared out of thin air and joined the ghost beside him. The ghost switched off his flashlight and placed it back on his belt.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Something's wrong, I can't get a fix on the guy." The ghost answered.

"Yeah, his spiragy trail is very muddled." The ghost closed his eyes. Bigz could hear voices from beyond the door, though not clearly.

"Maybe the Vortex is throwing it off" The ghost-in-blue wondered out loud.

"Possibly, but I don't think so." He walked into the alley, the light that emanated from him illuminated the most of the alley. He paused as he stood in front of the door that Bigz had phased into. Bigz began to inch away but before he could an arm grabbed him through the door and pulled him out. The angel dragged him into the middle of the alley. Bigz tripped over his legs and fell to the ground on his knees, he started coughing. The angel walked in front of him, the ghost-in-blue stepped closer blocking his exit out to the street. Bigz continued coughing. The ghost looked at the angel who shook his head and shrugged his shoulders, not knowing either. They waited for a second until it stopped.

"Alright, now that that's over. Why'd you run?" The angel stepped closer. Bigz didn't respond but did get up onto his knees, he wiped his mouth with his forearm. Bigz stared at the angel intently.The angel stepped back and called out the ghost-in-blue.

"Grab a sample the guys down at the lab and gonna wanna see this." The angel stepped closer. The ghost-in-blue grabbed a small metal box, about the size of a deck of cards and flipped it open.

"Now don't move, this will be quick," he called out to Bigz. He stepped up behind Bigz and placed the box on Bigz' neck. Freddie used his thumb to slide down a small lever, drawing a fair amount of Bigz' spiragy into the box, before shutting it and placing it back into his belt. A smile crept onto Bigz's face.

"Now you hol..." The angel started to speak but Bigz sprang into action before he could finish. Bigz spun around and shoved Freddie on to the ground, his head thudding hard on the asphalt. The angel ran for him and tried to subdue him, but before he could Bigz grabbed onto the angel's hand and closed his eyes. The angel stopped, confused by the move. But before he could shake off Bigz his hand, an intense pain brought the angel to his knees. Tears welled up in the both Bigz' and the angel's eyes. The ghost-in-blue watched in horror as the angel shrieked out in pain.

"Stop!" the angel managed to shout as Bigz' grip tightened. The angel's light flickered. Bigz opened his eyes and stared down at the angel before clenched his eyes closed again. The angel let out a shriek and fell to the ground. Bigz let go of the angel's hand and grabbed onto angel's hair. And flipped him over.

"Now, this is what's gonna happen next," Bigz muttered and he grabbed the angel's hand again. The angel shrieked out in pain again as his light dimmed, flickered, and eventually went out.

The In-Between and After: A Ghost's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now