The Confluence

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Mario was the first to see McGregor and Shelby running towards them, and only had enough time to shout before he bolted forward to intercept them before reaching Bigz. Bigz turned back behind him in time to see Mario collide with McGregor in the middle of the street. McGregor attempted to sidestep the charging ghost but was unable to as the Mario grabbed onto his arm. McGregor shook off Mario's grip and squared up. A car that was unaffected weaved through the intersection, phasing through them. Mario paused for a moment distracted by the car giving McGregor a chance to land a strong blow across Mario's face. Mario fell to the street as Shelby passed by intent on getting to Bell.

Bigz dropped Bell to the ground and turned to see Shelby who was just stepping onto the loading area sidewalk. Arthur attempted to run towards him but Bell managed to grab his foot tripping him to the ground. McGregor grabbed onto Mario who was stilling reeling from the punch and threw him onto the ground. Mario landed hard and attempted to scramble to his feet but a kick from McGregor stopped him and sent back to his ground. McGregor didn't wait to see the result of the kick and ran to help Shelby who was charging full tilt at Bigz. Arthur, recovered from the shock of Bell's tripping, flipped himself over and kicked her off of him, one chance kick hitting her squarely on her chin, rocking her off of his leg. He scrambled to his feet and joined in the fight just as Shelby collided with Bigz. Bigz barely budged as Shelby ran into him, he laughed as he grabbed onto Shelby and shoved him to the ground. Shelby scrambled over narrowly dodging a couple of Bigz' stomps and jumped up to his feet. Shelby avoided a few more of Bigz' attempts to grab him. Arthur came from behind and shoved Shelby right into Bigz who grabbed onto his shirt before he could get away.

"Finally" Bigz grumbled as he held onto the much-smaller Shelby, who was thrashing about trying to get away.

McGregor tackled Arthur from behind onto the ground and was able to land a couple of punches before Arthur was able to squirm out and square up. Arthur was a much better fighter than Mario, he was quick and fast, able to dodge and strafe out of the way of McGregor's punches. One of McGregor's wilder swings gave him a sufficient opening to land a devastation uppercut knocking McGregor backward. McGregor would have recovered if it wasn't for the curb which tripped him up and causing him to fall backwards off the sidewalk, his head hitting hard on the concrete. Mario at this point, recovered enough to stand up was being helped up by Arthur. Bell, who had slunk back into the crowd while Bigz was preoccupied attempted to help McGregor up but he was still stunned.

A few punches later from Bigz and Shelby fell to the ground. Bigz looked around to see McGregor laying flat on his back in the street Bell at his side with Arthur and Mario standing over them.

"Watch those two!" He shouted as he looked back at Shelby who was trying to crawl away. Bigz smirked devilishly and kicked Shelby hard on his side, the force was enough to almost lift Shelby off the ground. Shelby shrieked out and curled up clutching his stomach. Bigz knelt down and grabbed onto Shelby's neck and dragged him closer and onto his back. Shelby groaned again from the pain and watched in fear a Bigz smiled and slid his hand into his chest.

"This is going to hurt a lot" Bigz whispered to Shelby as his eyes narrowed and began to glow as the waves of spiragy left Shelby's body. McGregor came to just as the siphon was beginning and could watch helplessly as Shelby was slowly and painfully as Arthur and Mario blocked any attempt they could do to intervene.

A blinding light appeared, causing all four of them to shield their eyes.

"What's going on?" Arthur called out as the intense light blanketed the scene. Before Mario could answer it was over, the light was gone. As their eyes adjusted to the normal light they now saw three figures standing there all dressed in blue. One McGregor recalled was the ghost-in-blue that was with the angel when they last saw Bigz, one of the others was an angel, with their unmistakable white glow; however, the third was something else. The figure glowed as well but unlike the angel it's glow was red, McGregor had heard about demons but never seen one and thought it was just a myth.

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