Theater Majors are Weird. Deal with it.

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Prompt: I shouldn't be in love with you.

(There are notes at the end. Please read them, and um, I'm so sorry about this mess:)

When Gray and his brother had been accepted into the most prestigious theater school in the country, he admittedly screamed and jumped around like an excited child. When they found out that the acceptance was also a full ride scholarship, he nearly cried. Lyon actually did, though, so it's not like it became blackmail material.

It only took them a few days to move everything to the dorm room they'd be sharing with two or three others.

It turned out to be three, and all of them seemed to know each other really, really well. The tall blond with spiked up hair was practically attached to a smaller, raven haired boy, who didn't seem to mind. Behind them, someone else was carrying several stacked boxes, and they didn't seem to care that they shoved the other two out of the way. They hit the floor with a thud, and the blond whipped around to confront whoever was behind the stack of boxes, "What the hell, Natsu?" He nearly shouted.

"If you'd stop making goo-goo eyes at Rogue, then maybe you wouldn't get hit," the melodic voice responded. He continued forward into the room and plopped the boxes on the ground. He seemed to freeze when he noticed there were other people in the room, "Well that was an awful first impression. Hi, I'm Natsu. The moronic blond-" He was nearly over powered by the loud, "Hey!" that left the blue eyed boys lips, but he simply flipped him the bird and continued. "-is my cousin, Sting, and the other one is Rogue." Both Gray and Lyon nodded distractedly. The group in front of them was definitely strange.

Rogue mouthed something to the pinkette that sparked a violent laughing fit, and Sting just stared at them, "Did I just miss something? I feel like I missed something."

In between choked giggles Natsu managed to push another roast, "When aren't you missing something?"

Lyon's jaw dropped, and Gray had to fight back a snort, "It's been awhile sense I've seen him this dumbstruck." He elbowed his brother in the side discretely, and Lyon's mouth clicked shut with a click.

"Rude," Sting huffed, "Also, you didn't let them introduce themselves." Neither one had moved from the floor.

"Well, they looked a bit shocked, Sting. I was letting them get their thoughts together." The pinkette groaned at the look Sting gave him. He knew where this was going.

The impish grin didn't go away as Sting stood and placed a hand over his heart dramatically. "That's a common reaction when people see my blinding-"

"-Stupidity," Natsu finished."

The look of betrayal across his face caused Gray, Rogue, and Lyon to devolve into snort laughter, and Natsu to adopt a smirk.

"First of all, bitch-"

That was the start of a beautiful first year.

Three weeks into the semester, and Lyon learns that his entire floor is insane. He walked out of this room that morning to see it blocked with a cushioned stool and a note. "The floor is lava. Don't fall in." He stood there and stared at it until Gray shoved him out of the way.

Without thinking twice about it, he stepped on the stool and began hopping from cushion to table to whatever else was strewn all over the floor, "Come on. We're going to be late Lyon."

"Gray... What the hell are you doing?" Lyon asked.

"Going to class. You should too."

"But you're jumping across the furniture like a child?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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