Chapter One

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You're gonna have a few updates of this story today because I've started this awhile ago~

'Dear Journal,

Today isn't that bad. Me and my class are on our break for awhile. I still don't know why I have this symbol on my right arm though! Tomorrow is the day we get partnered up with somebody from the Archer Class and somebody from the Sword User Class for the Magi Games or M.G. I wonder who I'm going to be partnered up with? Anyways, the break is over.

Levy Moeru, 20XX'

'Dear Diary,

Tomorrow is the day we get out partners for the Magi Games! I'm so excited! My very first time competing because you have to be 17 to compete. I wonder who I'll be paired up with? Maybe the mysterious Mage from the Magic Class? She's the top of the class and can supposedly shapeshift...? You know what? I'm not even going to question it. I'm soo happy my mom enrolled me in this class! It was out of the blue but she did! It's weird because I'm a Princess... Anyways, I'm happy I can control my fire magic and for some reason control all fire around me. I can finally control it now! It may be connected to my tattoo on my left arm! Well, I have to go!

Yumi Kenshi, 20XX'

'To Journal

It's almost time for the Magi Games! This is going to be my first time! I've only gone to celebrate the day Kuni was founded and the Dark One was defeated. If me and my team win, I hope my mom is proud of me, and maybe, my dad... I know she's watching me from the stars. I know it! Ever since my mom died, he's been... Never mind. I can control and help the earth for some reason. Can it be connected to my tattoo on my back! Gotta go. Can't wait for tomorrow! Dad's coming! I have to go!

Zeke Chikyuu, 20XX'

At the end of Zeke's entry, he wrote quickly and left in a hurry. Hope you like it so far!

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