Chapter Four

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Still short. GREAT *sarcasm at its finest*

Levy P.o.V.

Me, my group and the rest of the groups are currently at the castle for the training. The teachers and the principal has also attended to announce the training areas, which they're currently doing right now. 

"Yumi Kenshi, Zeke Chikyuu and Levy Moeru. "The Queen requested that you three will be in the area where the Princess likes to do her training. It's over," she points at a beautiful red rose garden "At the rose garden." She finishes as everyone but me and the Princess marvels over the garden. 

"Wow!" "It's so pretty!" "Lucky!" "The roses are amazing and so well grown!". 

"I see why you like that place Yumi." Zeke tells her. "Yumi, Zeke, Levy. You three may go to your assigned place." The Principal tells us. 

We all walk over to the well grown red rose garden. On a sign there it said 'Akai Bara'. It was in Japanese and said Red Roses. Thank you Megami for studying languages! I mentally said to the goddess of Kuni who's also the founder of Kuni. 

I see some practice dummies and some targets. "So shall we start?" Yumi asked me and Zeke. "Probably." I respond. 

After a while of training, everybody got out from training early to go pack to stay at the castle tomorrow. We're staying at the castle for the Magi Games and a few days before it. When I get back home I grab a few bags to pack. 

I pack a few purple cloaks, a few boots, a few skirts, a few top pieces of armor and a few pairs of my PJ's. I also packed some of my other things that are important. I, of course, have my spell book with me and I also always wear my good luck charm which is the brooch on my cloak.

Zeke P.o.V.

After a some time of training, we left early to pack. When I told my dad, he, well, um... I'd rather not mention... It will bring up some... unpleasant memories. 

I ended up packing some of my baggy lime green shirts, some of my white pants, my brown boots along with some other things that are important.

Yumi P.o.V.

I enter the castle after the training because everybody got to leave early. I'm moving to a room with my team for awhile. I decided to get a cup of tea and relax since I don't have to pack. Some of the maids and butlers already did. I hope it didn't cause them any trouble...

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