Chapter Two

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This is short since I made this awhile ago when I didn't know how short or long to make chapters since now my thing on chapters is at least 1000 words.

Levy P.o.V.

Today is the day. Me and my class, along with the other classes, are in the auditorium in front of the other classes, waiting for the Principal to call our team. 

"As you've all know, these three classes are to compete in the Magi Games." The Principal says as the other classes, the younger ones and the ones that have already competed in the Magi Games, applauded. 

"You've all been waiting for this moment, the announcement of the teams!" She said proudly. After a few groups she says this "Yumi Kenshi, come up. You're the Sword User in this team,".

 The orange-haired Princess then walks up. "Zeke Chikyuu, you'll be the Archer in this team," She tells a boy with green hair who I can tell is shocked but has a straight face walks up. He looks slightly... scared but slightly relieved at the same time. I wonder why...

"And the Mage of this team is Levy Moeru." She finally says. I hear whispers as I walk up. 

"Lucky!" "That's surprising..." "She's the top of the class and can apparently shapeshift!" "Why is she with the princess?" "Why is she even in a group anyway? She has no friends and isolates herself from the rest of the school!" .

Zeke P.o.V.

I'm so nervous! 

Me and the other 2 classes in front on the rest of the school. The Principal is currently calling the names for the groups.

"Yumi Kenshi, come up. You're the Sword User in this team," She says. 

The Princess then walks up. Whoevers in her group is lucky! 

"Zeke Chikyuu, you'll be the Archer for this team," The principal says. I walk up trying not to looked shocked but I manage to keep a straight face. I

'm paired up with the princess... Dad might kill me, but, I might be able to get help... Who am I kidding... They probably not since they most likely won't listen to a teenager...

"And the Mage of this team is Levy Moeru." The Principal then says. I hear whispers as Levy walks up, unfazed by the fact that she's paired up with the Princess!

Yumi P.o.V.

As me, my class and the Archer and Mage Class are having our teams called by the Principal in front of the rest of the school. 

I doze off until she calls my name "Yumi Kenshi, come up. You're the Sword User in this team," She says. I then walk up. 

"Zeke Chikyuu, you'll be the Archer for this team," She then says. A green haired boy walks up. He, for some odd reason, he looks scared but relieved at the same time...

Why is that?

 "And the Mage of this team is Levy Moeru." She says. The purple-haired Mage walks up calmly.

  It's the mysterious shapeshifter! 

"You three may walk off the stage now." The Principal tells us. 

All three of us walk off the stage. I notice that there was an awkward silence the air. "So I'm guessing I'll see you two tomorrow for training?" I awkwardly say, breaking the silence. 

"Yeah." Zeke replies awkwardly, tensing up a tiny bit. 

"I have to go. Bye." Levy says calmly. How is she so calm!? She then leaves before any of us can say a word. 

"Um, bye. I'll see you tomorrow." Zeke says. "Bye Zeke." I say. 

We both walk away from each other and exits the school.

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