Chapter Two

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Eleanor had just come out of two stressful periods of Math, and was now on her way to the cafeteria, when someone, a masculine someone that is, braced her against the pale coloured walls.

"What the hell!?" she screamed but luckily the corridors were empty being that it was lunch already.

"What, no I miss or love you now?" a deep, husky voice replied.

"Oh my God! Jesse!" Eleanor declared as she hugged her boyfriend tightly.

"Hey babe!"he said as he put Eleanor's tiny body down.

Eleanor didn't even bother responding, she just hugged Jesse for all he was worth. While she was away she couldn't even begin to explain how much she missed him and his cocky self.

"Uh... Eleanor, there's something I've been meaning to tell you." Jesse said in a serious tone, meaning that what he was about to say was, in fact ,serious.

"What is...." she said but began trailing off when Jacqueline came into sight, walking down the lone corridors.

Jacqueline at this time was alone. She put emphasis in each step and when she saw the couple, she smiled a wicked smile and happily approached them.

"Well, well, well! What do we have here?" she asked, a playful smile present on her lips as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

"It's not what it looks like. We're not doing anything that we shouldn't be doing," Eleanor answered defensively, not waiting for Jacqueline to start speculating anything.

"That's not what I meant doll, but I know Jesse knows."

Eleanor shot her boyfriend a questioning look but his face was expressionless. 'What was he hiding?' she thought.

"Looks like Mr.Boyfriend over here forgot to mention what happened over the summer, huh? Should I tell her or shall you have the honours?"

"Okay... What's going on here?" Eleanor asked turning to Jesse, but he had that blank look.

"Guess I'm gonna have to be the bigger one here. Well--" Jacqueline began but Jesse stopped her from saying anything further.

"I'll tell her," he said firmly. Jacqueline moved back, gesturing for him to continue.

"Well, since there's no easy way for me to tell you this gently, I'll just come right out and say it. I slept with Jacqueline at a party, but I swear, it was an accident." he said, all in one breath.

Eleanor stood there shell-shocked. She couldn't believe what Jesse had just told her. Her ears must have been deceiving her! And what did he mean 'accident'. 'Did he trip and fall into her freaking lady parts!? Or did she fall on his?'

She opened her mouth to speak but not a single word came out. Eleanor didn't know what to do or how to feel. Should she be angry, sad or heck, maybe even both? She didn't know how to feel, so she did the only thing she could think of. She ran!

She ran as fast as she could, to wherever she could. She just wanted to get away from it all. She wanted to get away from Jesse, Jacqueline and just basically everyone!

Before she knew it, she was in the cafeteria in front of her friends, hot tears spilling from her eyes.

"Ellie are you... okay?" Marinella asked asked as she got up and rushed to her friend's side.

"N-no! What does it look like? Jesse cheated on me," Eleanor said, silently thanking God her mascara was waterproof.

For a brief second, she could have sworn she saw a hint of guilt but by the next, it was completely gone so it was only natural of her to think that she imagined it.

"Um... did he say with whom he was cheating?" Marinella asked.

"Yeah, it was with Jacqueline."

While Cornelia and Blaire gasped, Marinella said, "Thank God!" causing everyone's eyes to land on her.

"What I mean is that thank God it was with Jacqueline and not someone like Autumn who I heard had syphilis." Marinella explained

"Really? Oh my God!" Blaire exclaimed.

"Yeah, I heard it from around the school. It's one of the hot topics right now."

"That chick was bound to end up with some sort of disease or something" Cornelia added.

"Guys! Guys! This is about me, remember?" Eleanor asked, her eyes glistening with tears.

"Right! Well you definitely need to break up with him," Blaire said.

"Oh trust me, I'm done with him! I'm not even going to cry over him any longer."

"Are you going to be okay?" Cornelia asked, concern written all across her face.

"Yeah... I just need to be alone for a little while."

"You sure you want to be by yourself?"

"Yeah. You guys, please don't forget this afternoon is cheerleading tryouts for the freshmen."

"We won't! You think you can handle all of that though? I mean the last thing we want is for you to get sick or something Ms. Captain," Blaire asked, a smile spreading on her face.

"Like I said, that's forgotten. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is getting in the way of me and my cheerleading!" Eleanor declared as she wiped her glossy eyes.

"If you say so Ellie. Once you're feeling better, everything's bound to be okay," Blaire said as shed pulled her friend into a tight embrace.

"I'm better, promise!" Eleanor said as she let go of her friend and walked off.

She didn't understand why Jesse would go do that. Anyways, tomorrow's a new day and hopefully she'll get through this one. Hopefully...


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