Chapter Three

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Eleanor sat at the table and let out an exasperated sigh as she rubbed her temples. She was in the middle of cheer-leading tryouts and things basically sucked.

"I know chica, I know. We're going to need a truck-load of luck to pull through with the team this year," Cornelia said as she patted Eleanor on the shoulder while watching another young girl fall on her back, hard.

Suddenly the doors for the school's gym flew open and a thin figure stalked through. Eleanor and her friends eyes grew wide.

"Oh my good God!" Blaire said pausing after each word.

"What in the hell is she doing here? Does she want me to carry out that threat?" Cornelia asked, fists cuffed. she looked extremely angry and ready to 'throw-down' at any given moment.

"Do you have a problem with my sister?" Autumn asked, seated on Eleanor's other side.

"You bet your ass I do! Are you planning on doing something about it?"

"Cornelia, will you ever change? Haven't you ever heard that little girls must be seen and not heard?" Autumn asked as she ran a hand through her auburn hair.

"Girl..." Cornelia began but didn't bother to continue. Cornelia knew that if she wasted her time on Autumn, she'd be on the front page of New York Times for a few weeks.

"Hey big sis!" said a very bubbly Jacqueline as she forced her way through the other children to get to the head table.

"Hi Jackie. I see you've met Eleanor, Blaire, Cornelia and Blaire."

"Yeah, we've been introduced." Jacqueline replied casting a wicked smile down Eleanor's way.

"Uh, please excuse me," Eleanor said promptly as she pushed her chair backwards to get up.

"El--" Blaire started but Eleanor stopped her.

"I'm fine. I just need a change of scenery and some fresh air." Eleanor stood up and walked out of the gymnasium.

That girl was getting on her last nerve! What did she want from Eleanor? If this was some kind of game and it continues, Eleanor was bound to loose her mind.

"Eleanor was about to turn around when someone pulled her towards them. She looked up to discover a pair of grey eyes staring down at her-- Jesse's grey eyes to be exact.

"Let go of me!" she said as she struggled to get herself free from his strong and firm grasp.

"No! Not until we talk about what happened," he said.

"What there to talk about? You screwed some little bimbette when I was away on vacation. There, plain and simple!"

"Well when you put it like that..."

"No, there's not another way to put it. It's the truth and I will tell it as it is. You cheated on me with a freaking fourteen year old! How am I supposed to feel? We're done and I'm so over you!" she said.

She turned on her heels but once again, he grabbed her by the waist. Only difference this time was that she was prepared and waiting for him.

She kneed him in the groin. Something she had been dying to do since earlier that afternoon.

"You don't get to touch me Jesse! I hate you and I never want to see your lying face again. Goodbye!" Eleanor said and successfully walked away that time.

She made it into her seat just in time to see Jacqueline's routine.

At the end of the routine, everyone's mouth was ajar while Autum's lips were twisted into a smirk. Jacqueline did absolutely amazing!

Eleanor shifted in her seat uncomfortably. She knew that Jacqueline was definitely going to be a new member on the squad, whether she was captain or not. Besides, Autumn was co-captain. Even if she had the power to ensure Jacqueline doesn't get on the squad, Autumn would somehow find a way to put 'Jackie' on the squad anyways.

"Houston, we have a problem!" Marinella whispered.

"I've noticed that," Eleanor replied also in a hushed tone.

Eleanor allowed her kind to wander off and before she knew it, all the girls had finished trying out.

"Okay ladies!" Eleanor said as she stood up, the rest of the member at the head table following shortly after.

"Yes girls," Autumn interrupted, "I, as your captain--"

"Co-captain!" Marinella corrected.

"Whatever, it's basically the same thing! As I was saying, I just wanted to say that you guys were completely wonderful just now! But unfortunately, all of you could not be in the final cut. My 'co-captain', Eleanor, will be telling you who's made it into this year's cheer team."

Eleanor glanced at the coloured sheet of paper in her hands, scanning the names briefly. Her eyes stopped at one particular name and suddenly she herself didn't know whether she wanted to be on the team.

"Okay! So the names are as follows... Emily Michaelson, MonaLisa Adams, Mary Ann Edwards and..." she paused briefly as she said the last name coldly, "Jacqueline Rose."

Eleanor looked up from the paper and her eye's met Jacqueline's.

"Good luck bitch!" she mouthed.

Eleanor gasped and looked around to see if anyone had noticed what happened but unfortunately, she was a lone ranger.

She threw herself back in her change and slumped back as realization hit her. Jacqueline was out to get her!


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