Chapter Six

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"Hi!" Eleanor said as she extended her hands to hug her friends.

"Hey," each one of them said as they returned the gesture and within seconds, she had gave all her friends a hug.

"Cornelia, what's up with you girl? You look stressed as hell!" Blaire said.

"Of course I am! We have that chem test today," Cornelia replied, waving the hand-outs in front of her friend's face.

"Oh my God! That's today? I though it was next week!"

"Um... no, it's today. You need to get your priorities in order chica." Cornelia responded as she idly played with a stray strand of her dark hair.

"I do, but with the SAT's coming up, cheerleading, homework, assignments, the extra-curricular activities and my family stuff itself, everything is just so damn stressful!" Blaire declared.

"I know what you mean," Marinella sympathized.

Eleanor was just about to add in her point of view when Jesse came bouncing into view with some random blonde. She tried hiding behind Cornelia but it proved to be a waste of time when he waved and beckoned her over.

"Els?" Cornelia asked, "Are you okay?"

"Just peachy.. but I need a bathroom break. I'll be back in a second!" she responded before hurriedly walking away to a secluded part of the corridor where Jesse was.

"What?" she asked sharply.

"Morning babe," he said ignoring her question with a dump smirk plastered onto his face. Eleanor rolled her eyes and tossed her hair over her shoulder.

"Don't call me that. Why did you call me over here?" she asked frankly.

"Well, you see, I was thinking last night about us breaking up and... that doesn't work for me."

"Well that's too bad isn't it? Now if you'll excuse me," she said and began walking away because she realized where there conversation was heading and she definitely had no intentions of getting back together with Jesse after what he did.

As she took a couple steps further, a hand grabbed her firmly and pulled her back into place.

"I don't think you understood clearly so let's try this again shall we?" he asked staring down intently at her face, his not far from hers, "If you don't want a certain little secret getting out, you will have to start acting like my girlfriend again."

"But I'm not your girlfriend!"

"You are now! Don't make this more difficult than it has to be!" he shouted loudly before taking his fists and punching a locker.

Eleanor gasped and jumped out in surprised. She never saw Jesse act this way and it sure as hell scared her.

"Okay! Okay! Whatever you say," she said softly.

Jesse smiled in satisfaction and reached out to gently stroke her face but she pulled away from his touch.

"Look doll, I had no intentions of scaring you or anything but it's just... I don't know man. You look good standing next to me, I guess. I mean you're the head cheerleader and I'm the star quarter-back, so..." he trailed off.

"Yeah, but so is Autumn! Go force her to be your girlfriend," Eleanor answered.

Jesse chuckled in response and then swung his arm around her shoulders. "She is, but I don't want herpes. Catch you later babe!" he said and began leaning in.

Eleanor turned her face in disgust and ducked under his arm. "See you later!" she returned.

She then hustled to get away form Jesse because there was no way in hell she was going to kiss that perverted freak.

"No freaking way!" she muttered.

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