Chapter 1: Meet Pidge

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Lapis Lazuli could not believe it; for five thousand years she was trapped on Earth and was now finally free to return to her Homeworld. Lazuli's water wings flapped with determination as the blue woman flew through the cosmos, her long skirt fluttering with each one. Lapis sincerely enjoyed this sensation; it felt like her first time taking flight. After what felt like an eternity of being unable to do so, the excitement of flying was almost foreign to her at first. However, as she soared across the solar system, the feeling became blissful to her senses; growing to the point where the blue Gem started to cry tears of joy. The one thing Lapis sincerely wished she could bring with her was Steven, her first real friend in centuries. However, Earth was his home as much as Blue Diamond's Court is hers. Lazuli will, and is as of now, miss him dearly; but no matter what happens next, she will never forget all that he did for her.

As Lapis continued soaring closer to the edge of the solar system, something caught her attention upon flying over Pluto's moon, Kerberos; she saw what looked like three humanoids wearing some advance exploration uniforms, examining the surface of the dwarf planets moon. Humans and their technology have indeed advanced far greater than Lapis had even realized. Before her imprisonment humans could barely cross from one continent to another, now they are just about to near the edge of their solar system. Compared to Gem-kind, from Earth to Kerberos does not seem like much of an impressive achievement; but if humans can progress more apace than what the Diamonds give them credit for; who knows what else they can accomplish. Lapis now understood why Steven enjoyed being with them so much.

Lazuli shifted her focus away from the explorers to continue onward; just a few miles left until she has successfully gotten out of the solar system. Lazuli was so close to real freedom when the area in front of her suddenly began growing darker. This instantaneous spread of shadow surprised the blue woman at first but calmed down as she thought that maybe a meteor must've gravitated in front of the sun; only to be immediately disproven when a blinding purple light comes seemingly out of nowhere, forcing Lapis to stop midflight to shield her eyes with her arms. "Wha... What is that?" Lapis asked herself as she squinted through a small gap in-between her arms; discovering the light source originating from a large vessel of the likes she has never seen before in her lifetime. "Oh... My... Stars..." Lazuli's voice trembled upon gazing at the massive vessel, finding herself unable to move as she froze out of fear. The sheer size of the dreadnaught alone terrified her as it rivaled the that of Yellow and Blue Diamond's arm ships, if not bigger.

A violet-red radiance glowed from the front of the gigantic ship; before firing a broad ray of energy that engulfed everything in sight. Lapis snapped out of her trance and proceeded to flee from the oncoming beam of light. However, it was ultimately futile as her body was swallowed up by the energy within seconds. In the mere moments before the hostile light touched her body; the blue Gem tearfully closed her eyes as she thought to herself that this was the end of the line for her. Lapis figured she would be disintegrated right there and now; without being given a chance to see her home once more. After a prolonged period of feeling nothing; Lazuli's eyes slowly opened, only to find herself still alive but unable to move as she was dragged unwillingly to the face of the ship. The light was not a weapon; it was a tractor beam. "No! This can't be happening!" Lapis screamed in frustration, fear, and sadness as she struggled to escape. Despite how hard Lazuli fought, her body grew weaker with every fleeting moment as she drew closer to the opening doors of the battleship. Her will to fight began to die out as everything slowly went black. The freedom she longed for was finally within her grasp, then denied. As soon as she achieved her independence; it was being taken from her just as quickly.

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