Chapter 4

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No one spoke, other than the drunk party goers as William docked the boat. I noticed the night sky seemed to lightening some with now stars and a full moon shining. I guessed it was maybe one or two am.

"Thank you all for coming! Parties over! See you next time! Sorry for that sudden rough weather!" William called to the people stepping onto the dock. One woman instantly started vomiting into the water. I stood up in my towel and started down to the low deck. My mind still trying to wrap around what I had seen in the water. Maybe it had been and hallucination? Something like that couldn't exist. Yet neither should demons and I see them clear as day. In moments I was walking through the house, barefoot from losing my favorite shoes in the ocean. My dagger as well. I felt sick from choking on salt water, and nauseous from the alcohol.

"Alayna!" Dustin's voice followed me as I swung open the front door, feet patting onto the brick entry way. "Alayna, please." He grabbed my arm. I spun and whipped it from his grasp.

"Don't touch me." I snarled. He looked at me with big eyes. That was a new look. Almost scared. Of me? Because I hadn't seen that look once when he was fighting demons. "I told Serene I didn't want to come here. I knew," I poked at my chest as my throat closed up with emotion and eyes started to water. "I knew something bad was going to happen." I turned away as a warm tear fell. I was freaked out, scared. Not only by the thing in the water but by all the demons, and that William and Dustin, could both see them. All this time I thought Serene and I were alone. Only had each other.

"Alayna." His fingers brushed the back of my arm send bumps in their wake.

"Don't." I sent him a glair over my shoulder.

"An Uber will be here in a second." Serene was in the threshold then with William right behind. I tugged the towel around me tighter, nodded and looked away wanting more than ever to strangle her. "You sure you're physically alright?" She continued walking away from William's side and to mine. "You don't need to go to the hospital?"

"I just want to go home." I state firmly with narrow eyes. She looked passed me to the guys after nodding to me.

"How long have you seen them?" She asked eyes darting back and forth between the two.

"Our whole lives. You?" William answered. I could feel when Dustin simply walked away. His presence not smoldering over me anymore. I turned around seeing I was right. I wasn't too sure why I was mad at him. He had saved me. He had also promised to keep me safe and hadn't. Then again he didn't know me and I didn't know him so why did I even trust him that much to begin with? Let alone the demons falling from the sky wasn't his fault. A heavy weight fell on my chest then as I couldn't help but wonder if it was mine. The one had warned me they would come for me.

Guilt overwhelmed me as headlights came up the drive way.

"Our Uber." Serene said to me. If William and Serene had spoken more I hadn't heard a word. I looked into the home hoping I would see Dustin. Maybe apologies, though it wasn't something normally in my vocabulary, but I didn't see him.

"I'm sorry the night ended like this." William said to me as I turned away.

"Nothing you could have controlled. Tell Dustin I said the same. Night." I turned and slipped into the open door Serene held for me. As the car bounced over the gravel road a small part of me wanting to tell the driver to stop. To go running back in and demand help, and answers for why we saw the demons at all. Why they were here, and what they wanted. Plan a way to stop them from continuing to come but exhaustion was stronger. That and the fear of what I had seen under the water. Something I had no idea how to bring up to Serene. 'Hey I saw something underwater. It looked like a Mermaid.' Yea didn't think that would go over well. Pretty sure she'd say it was trauma, or shock, or maybe I had hit my head at some point. Worst of all she might instantly demand we go to the hospital which I really didn't want knowing mom would freak out.

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