Chapter 5

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I wasn't sure what I expected her to say, but at least something. She sat barely blinking for three full minutes simply staring at me, silence heavy in the room.

"Serene say something!" I couldn't hold it in anymore, making her jump.

"I don't know what to say. You sound crazy." She stood and started walking around, something she did when nervous or stressed.

I stood motioning to the beach, "You saw me at the water."

"I saw you freak out, that's all Alayna."

"Why are you arguing with me? You are my best friend, you see the shadows with me. The- the demons." It was hard to shove out those words. "I think that woman sent the one who attacked me in the room. I think she sent the ones on the boat too, to get to me.

"Why though? Why after all this time? You have been coming here for years. We have been coming here for years."

"I have no clue. But things change..."

Silence passed again.

"You think the guys are, different too? Different how?"

"I'm not sure."

"All you know is Will moves fast. Last I knew that wasn't anything abnormal."

"You didn't see it Serene. He was invisible then there. From one spot to another in milliseconds. He said we were all different."

"Why did you go see him, and not Dustin?" Her eyes became focused then on me.

"Is the why you're upset?" I breathed in shock. "Seriously? I just went to the house. Not really on purpose either. Will was the only one home and invited me in. How dare you think I was there for anything other than answers."

"Answers to crazy questions."

"He didn't think they were crazy." I tossed back. "Not like you, my only friend." My eyes started to water. "The one time I need you more than ever you won't listen. Why?"

She shook her head and walked quickly away, slamming shut the sliding door. I followed and watched through the window as she pounded back to her stuff on the sand. I spun from the window whipping tears. I know everything sounds nuts. I realize that. I just wish she was a little more understanding. My phone pinged then. I walked over and opened a text from her.

We are seeing the guys tonight. Talk then.

I didn't want to see them but maybe more voices supporting me was better than nothing.

Stupid, I was actually concerned about what I put on for this meeting. I stood in front of my closet conflicted. Should I looked like I wanted to look good, should I make it seem like I didn't care? I closed my eyes and my chest swelled, and stomach fluttered at the remembrance of that kiss. The only good thing that has happened to me not only in the last twenty four hours but also in many many months. Since my last cheating boyfriend. If I had known that was what a true kiss felt like I would have never gone through the pain I had with a-hole Kevin.

I opened my eyes and grabbed the first thing my eyes fell on. A white crop top t-shirt, then I snatched higher wasted jean cut off shorts from my drawer. Something kind of in-between, and something I could fight in if demons showed up again. Grabbing sneakers and my back-up black glass blade I went to the living room. Serene was waiting in also a t-shirt and shorts.

"Well you look nice." She arched a brow. We hadn't talked in several hours. Probably the longest we haven't in a while.

"It's nothing great." I mumble sitting and putting the shoes on.

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