Chapter 14

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When I woke I almost forgot that I was in Dustin's arms. Shock hit me first making me jolt away. I have never slept with someone before. It was a strange experience to wake up too. I took in his face. Soft and relaxed with sleep stubble grown more into a beard overnight. This thick lashes brushing his cheek bones, full lips parted but I was pretty sure he wasn't breathing. After all he was dead. Did he just pretend to do that to look more human?

Slowly I moved from under his heavy arm reaching for the nearest shirt, which was his white one on the floor. It hung well past my thighs when I stood. I carefully pulled my hair back better and snuck out of the room. Trimming the blackout curtains I could see it was daylight but not full sun. I traveled downstairs finding Lyla and my mom in the living room having coffee. Mom looked to me instantly.

"Morning." She said. Her eyes flicked over me and she smiled a little. "Sleep well?"

"Yea." I crossed my arms wondering if it was evident that Dustin and I had been intimate last night. The wink and smirk Lyla gave me told me it must be. I flushed and walked for the kitchen scrounging for something to eat. I found cereal but no milk. I ate straight from the box leaning on the kitchen counter.

"Hey." Hunter walked in with sleepy eyes, and hair a tussled mess.

"Hey." I replied back with a mouth full. He paused and looked me up and down then smiled.

"See you two made up."

"We didn't have sex, god." I instantly grew defensive.

"Oh I know." He opened the freezer pulling out a massive steak. "You would smell different if you had."

"What?" I coughed on some cereal.

"The whole soul mate thing, when you have sex it bonds you. You wouldn't be the same. Let's just say the official binding. You then couldn't live without the other." He simply walked out onto the patio then. I quickly followed as he started up the grill. Was that why Dustin didn't go farther? He knew he wouldn't stop and then we would be... bound? I felt a heavy weight fall on my chest. Before I said anything I noticed the weather. The wind was brisk, clouds thick and dark like they might open up at any moment. And the chill, it hit me to the core. We both stood and looked around for a moment.

"She's preparing." He murmured.

"She can do this?" I pointed to the sky as the wind whipped again. His green eyes settled on me with sadness.

"She can do anything." He turned away and started the grill up. That bad feeling crept back into my stomach again, I wrapped my arms around it.

"You slept with Serene." I changed the subject. I noticed his body go stiff. "Did you imprint on her?" I thought about how wild he had gotten over her betrayal. It all made more sense now.

"I had." He finally answered not turning to me. I sucked in a breath of air.

"Does she know?"


"Then that means-."

He finally turned to me green eyes glowing,

"If she dies I will too."

"No." I breathed as the fear hit. If I lost one I would lose the other, end of story. Serene knew, she always knew, yet still did it... that must mean she still loves him even if it's just a little. Why would she try to get him killed then? That didn't make sense.

"I know what you're thinking." He turned back to the hot grill and slapped the still frozen steak on it. "Why would she try to get me killed then? I honestly think she feels guilt. Something most fairy warriors don't but I think she does, and I also think she does love me back. But she knows the rules about different mutations dating, let alone sleeping together. It's very frowned upon. Might not get you killed now a days but defiantly exiled from you own kind." I felt sick, mom never told me that. "She probably feels she deserves to die. Also for what she had done to you and your mom. You don't do something like that for all those years and feel nothing. It's not possible, even for a fairy." He flipped the steak.

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