Chapter 2:Where is he

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  Light streamed through the open windows and cracked walls illuminating (oh big girl words) the room.  The sound of people walking past the house awoke Salea,causing her to hurry and cloak herself again before anyone saw her.

She tied her bandana around her eyes and walked out of the home glancing left and right to see whom had pasted.

She walked down the broken pathway seeing no one around her and decided to see if the village had a merchant. She had recently used up all of her food supply.

She carefully searched around the town not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to herself. She heard footsteps come up behind her and continued walking.

"Um excuse me, not to be rude but I must ask. Who are you?" A voice said behind her causing her to freeze and glance at a piece of glass conveniently placed to see who was behind her. She saw two people.

One was a women with caramel colored skin, ebony hair, and auburn eyes that reminded her of a sunset.

The other was a man with blonde hair, pale skin, and eyes as blue as a river.

"I am just a traveler. I'm staying in this village until I can restock and be on my way again." She spoke in a calm tone not at all bothered by the obvious swords both of them had.

" What is your name traveler? " The ebony-haired female asked her cautiously.

"Salea. My name is Salea."

" Turn around. " The blonde said suspiciously making Salea assume they had been tricked before.

Salea turned around to face them. Her expression was bored but still couldn't be seen due to the bandana covering her eyes.

The ebony-haired girl's eyes widened when she saw her. She wore a bandana the exact same was he did. She was beyond suspicious of Salea now.

"Why do you wear your bandana like that..?" She asked quietly .

Salea raised an eyebrow at the girl. Why should she care, She appeared to be a guard of some sort, so it was only fair that she would be cautious of Salea. For all the girl knew she could be a serial killer.

"Someone close to me used to do it, so I followed in his footsteps."

The girl looked at Salea with mixed emotions. This girl knew him, she was close to him. She didn't believe it for a second, everyone close to him had died long ago expect for the people here in Phoenix Drop and herself.

Salea examined the girl closely, her eyes locked on it immediately when she saw it.

It was a red bandana, tied  neatly around her  wrist.

'It could be any old bandana. ' She thought. And that's what she would have continued to believe, if it wasn't for the initials signed into the corner clear and obvious.

Before either of them could do anything else she drew her sword and pointed directly at the girl's neck.

It was so fast they couldn't react and watched in shock as she spoke in a demanding tone.

"Where. Is. He?"

Thank all of you for reading this means alot . I want to thank to co-author Angel for such a help. The next chapter will be out soon. Bye love bugs...

  Edit: Here. Love me!

 Love me!

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