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Star Sensation's POV

Everyone had a good time except for me (and maybe Jammy) I laid my cold head on his stomach as we went back on the carriage.

"Don't worry hon.",He said ,"It'll be alright"

I was thinking back to the words I said. To move on and forget the past. It was really hard but it had to be done.

So Sunny got her I have no idea "SSP", Crafty got her first SSP and Sky got his 4th. Jammy was my 3rd but I knew he was the one. I can't believe that Crafty got her 1st! She was really good at doing that.

We were back at the hotel. Crafty was at her room writing a letter to Soarin and reading the one she got from him. Sunny and Mocha were at the restaurant. I actually couldn't believe that Sunny and Mocha were together. Mocha actually thinks they're friends but Sunny has special feelings for her.

I had a long talk with Jammy and Em. They were the ones who understands me. At least the whole weekend was over.


Galaxy Jammer's POV

I just wish I could punch that jerk. What was he even thinking? Half of me though she was cheating on me but starry would never do that.

Even tough this whole bizarre event happened, The wedding was still going to happen.


Redstone Gem's POV

I'm very glad and very lucky that Em and I are both our first SSPs. We were discussing about what happened to Starry. In our minds we knew that it would never happened to us and that we would be alright.

The next week we went back to Manehatten. Starry told us about the letter that Cookie gave her. It said:

"Dear Starry,

I am so sorry about what had happened. I guess I wasn't even thinking. I saw the ring on your horn and I knew you were with that other stallion. I was a fool and I promise I'll never bother you again. Please forgive me.

-Cookie Crumble"

She said she was still angry at him and that she would probably forgive him later.

I was just glad this whole thing was over.

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