Part 2: a new ruler

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E/C = eye colour

H/L = hair length

H/C = hair colour

once we arrived at the palace gates we noticed something strange, there was a white fog lingering around the courtyard "the light clan is still here, somewhere" abaddon said in my mind "we must tread lightly Y/F/N otherwise this clan is doomed" his words held a sudden weight making me wonder if i could actually do this "do you really think i can do this?" i sounded weak. Could i really do what my predecessors did? Sit on the throne of the void and rekindle my soon to be dynasty "Y/F/N, hide, they are here" i had to react quickly, if not i would die, i sprinted and practically threw myself into the ruins of a guard tower, scratching my forearms and drawing a slight of my purple, void ridden blood "Abaddon, where are they?" i spoke quietly as to not alert the guards "they are standing their ground at the stairway to the throne room" abaddon was invisible to everyone but me, a perk of the void demons. i knew what i had to do so i called out into the void within. "flame" i whispered to myself and my hand set alight with deep purple flames "let's get to business" i leapt from my hiding  place and threw a ball of fire at the guard on the right, he crumpled to the ground immediately, the other guard noticing the death of the other guard drew their sword from it's sheath and ran towards me "flame to blade" the flames i held immediately became a blade to quickly clash with the guard "you're nothing, do you expect to beat me? a night stalker? ha! you are dead little void demon" they sounded feminine, i could hardly hold my own against her but her stance was off, time to play dirty "off stance night stalker?" i slid my leg under her feet tripping her up then i lifted my blade and impaled the night stalker through the heart and spine in one attack, a lethal blow, she gasped as she fell but didn't seem to die "y-you bastard, using your de-demon to assist you,"she coughed up blood "the light clan will see this, your rule will be short" my anger boiled within me, i keeled down to her level, eyes burning crimson red instead of my normal E/C and i realised my voice was more akin to Abaddon's "once we are crowned k/q, the light clan will be the ones to receive my full fury" her eyes fell to the ground as i torn her head off. after a short while i spoke "wow, we did it, we actually killed a night stalker" i exclaimed "that will be the first of many Y/F/N. time to take what is ours" Abaddon was right, it's time to avenge my family, my clan.

when we reached the top of the staircase Abaddon stopped me "Y/F/N, you do know what we'll have to do to take our place as k/q, right?" i knew what he was talking about, we'd have to become one in the same "yes i know what must be done, the pact must be signed" i never heard what it was like to create a pact and fuse with your void demon but i was ready to give anything for my vengeance "Ok then Y/F/N" abaddon actually seemed nervous for once in his life, but he shook it off and summoned a flaming scroll and quill dripping with human blood "all you have to do is sign your name in human blood and your own blood, then we see what it's like to become one with each other" i could swear i was sweating bullets but I did as my void demon said, i cut the palm of my left hand the took the quill with my right hand, put a few drops of blood onto the quill tip and wrote my name onto the bottom of the scroll "what happens ne-" a sudden pain surged through my whole body, it felt like i was just stabbed with a knife then set on fire, my body couldn't take it and my vision fell into blackness.

"Y/F/N, wake up, you're dreaming, you passed out" i heard the echos of what sounded similar to my mother when i was human. my surroundings was that of my bedroom when i was a child "mu-mum?" my face immediately became a face of shock and fear "no,no no no, you're not real, i'm dreaming, i saw you being killed in front of me" i put my hands to my head in an attempt to comfort myself "abaddon said there was no way of you coming back" tears were starting to spill from my eyes "who's abaddon, sweetie?" no, this can't be real surely, but what if i was truly dreaming all that time? but then i saw his horned shadow "abaddon!" i practically flew from my bed and into the corridor but i saw nothing but black smoke outside of the room and the doorway i was in seemed to become smoke as well as everything else in 'my room' "MUM!" my voice echoed into the surrounding blackness, the tips of my body began to break off and fade into nothing "no, no i don't want to die!" my words didn't help i was consumed by the nothingness.

I awoke on my side, back in the throne room, but there was a difference to it from the last time i saw it, there was corpses of the light clan, i was covered in their blood and my fingers were no longer the fingers i remember, they were clawed and were dripping with light warrior blood "wh-what ha-happened?" but as soon as i asked that question i heard the voice i know as abaddon "what happened is not important, what is important however the fact that the pact is complete and we may now take our place as ruler of the void" i felt every word that he said "it is? that must be why i passed out, i guess" i attempted to get up and everything started to hurt, mainly two points on my back but pain was not my priority, the throne was, i got up and walked through the pain.

once i sat on the throne of the void i felt a tingling feeling in my H/L H/C, it was like something was warming my head, that feeling spread down to the rest of my skull "Y/F/N, our head seems to be on fire, but it's not hurting us" abaddon said quizzically. then in a flash of light everything around us was set alight with the void's signature purple flame "it begins, the clans will fall to our wrath" i sat triumphantly on the throne.

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