Info about the void throne's world

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when a being dies on Earth they are judged and sent to one of the afterlives

there are 8 types of afterlife; 4 that represent the life and rebirth and 4 that represent death and decay.

The 4 that represent life and rebirth are known as the realms of: light, water, earth and air

The 4 that represent death and decay are known as the realms of :void, lightning, fire and ice

If you die in the afterlife you are sent back to Earth with no memory of the afterlife

the realms of life and death are constantly battling for control over one another because if a realm can gain full control over all the realms they gain control over earth and all the souls there

(yes I know this is kinda everywhere but I just wanted to introduce you guys to how this world that i created works hope you enjoy)

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