Chapter 4

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(next day)

I heard knocking on my door "Alex time to get up it's breakfast time" Hoodie said I just pulled the cover over my face 20 minutes later I heard my door open "Alex if your not up right now I'm sending in the beasts" Slenderman said I didn't move "ok have it your way Sally Lazari help Alex wake up" Slenderman said next thing I knew I heard Sally and Lazari screaming and jumping on my bed "I'm up I'm up" I said "glade to hear come on girls be down stairs in 2 minutes or I'm sending in Jeff" Slenderman said Sally and Lazari ran out and he closed my door I got out of bed and walked to my bathroom I put on a shirt then combed my messy short hair I walked out my room and to the dinning room "hurry the fuck up I'm starving" Jeff said "you didn't have to wait for me sweet heart" I said sitting down "well actually we can't start eating until everyone is down stairs" Masky explained "oh sorry I didn't know but I'm here now so let's eat" I said picking up a fork to eat the waffles we all dug into our food as I was eating I looked up from my plate I was no longer with Slenderman and the others but with my mother and sister I looked at my sister her hair freshly cut big smile across her face and my mother her rose red cheeks, her blues eyes, and her blond carwly hair pulled back into a pony tail I felt as a tear fall down my face "something wrong Alex" mom said I rubbed my face against my arm "nothing mom I'm just happy to see you alive" I said "did you just call LJ mom?" Jeffs voice asked I opened my eyes and I was with everyone again I wanted to break down in tears but I felt my cheeks heat up "oh sorry LJ I must have spaced out or something" I said "were you thinking about your mother?" Lazari said "yeah I guess I still miss her" I  said rubbing the back of my neck "what was your mother like?" Toby asked "she was the nicest person in the world always smiled excepted you just for being yourself loved making people happy she owned a dress store so she made a lot of prom dresses, wedding dresses, and suites but she loved me and my sister the most" I said happily "ok children it's time to go we have a mission" Slenderman said "you want to go Alex?" Hoodie said "I'm not much into killing people but have fun" I said 

(30 minutes later) 

everyone just left including Sally and Lazari I didn't care so I finished the dishes and picked up the house phone and called an old friend it rang for a bit "hey! who's this?" a man's voice asked "hi, Daniel It's Alex" I said "yo! Alex it's been forever man how you been?" Daniel said joyfully "I'm good man listen, I need to get some furniture for my new bedroom so can you get a van or something?" I asked "sure we meet at the usual spot" Daniel said "yeah see yea there" I said hanging up I put on my black cloak and ran out to the edge of the forest and waited until I saw a unmarked moving truck pull up I jumped into the passenger side "hey Alex" Daniel said "hey Daniel new hair cut" I said pointing out the red ends of his black hair which was long enough to reach the bottom of his neck and his red tipped bangs "yeah just got it done yesterday" Daniel said happily "ok so lets go to lowes, you got the wire cutters?"I asked puting on my seat belt "never leave the house without them" Daniel said holding up wire cutter I nooded Daniel started the truck and went down the road I turned on the radio and taylor swift we are never getting back togather was playing me and Daniel began to sing along yes we're werid like that soon we  pull up behind the lowes and I get out with the wire cutters and ran up to the electrical box I bust it open and cut all the wires turning off the alarms I then forced open the back door and went inside I ran over to the loading room an forced open the large garage like door once it was open Daniel backed the truck into the room he then turned off the truck as I pulled down the door by the rope Daniel than jumped out the truck "ok we got about 3 hours so hurry up I'll go rob the safe while you get what you need" Daniel said passing me a walkie talkie I nodded and we both ran off to do our own things I grabbed a cart and began running down the aisle I got 

(A/n get ready for a long list everyone please forgive me)

a white nightstand, brown bed frame, brown dresser, night lamp, black small bookshelf, dark blue bed covers, matching pillows, TV stand, blinds, deep red curtains, black rug, baby blue paint, pink paint, 2 paint brushes, pull up bar stand, Air condition or AC,  bathroom sky blue with clouds curtains, and yellow bathroom rugs

(A/n my brain hurts now it took me so long to think of these thing)

I was now pushing two carts full of stuff back to the truck where I saw Daniel texting someone on the back of the open truck "who you texting?" I asked "just my girl and that's a lot of stuff" Daniel said pointing out my stuff "help me load this into the truck before I slap your pretty face" I said jumping up into the truck the same time Daniel jumped down "you know I don't play like that" Daniel said grabbing the first box I took it from him and asked "what being called a pretty boy or being smacked" he smirked and continued handing me the boxes this went on for a while until we were finished I pushed open the garage door and hopped right back into the truck and Daniel sped off once we got to the forest Daniel slowly moved through the trees and bushes he soon backed up infront of the mansion not hitting anything and we did it all over again taking the stuff off the truck and into the mansion as Daniel was about to get back into the truck I grabbed his shoulder "Daniel wait up bud" I said he turned around "what's wrong Alex?" Daniel asked "pay up" I said "I don't know what your talking about" Daniel said acting all clueless "how much cash was in the safe?" I asked "100,000 dollars" he said "I want my half" I said he rolled his eyes went into the front of the truck and came out with a large bag we went inside and began shorting the money so I got 50,000 and so did Daniel so he leave and I began taking everything out my room so I could paint it baby blue         

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