Chapter 10

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(Two day Later)

"hold still Alex just a little longer" Trendor said continuing to sew the bottom of the dress everyone was just sitting and chilling in the living cause it had started raining and everyone's plans to go killing was washed away Sally and Lazari walked up to looking at me up and down I smiled "What do you guys think" I asked "you look like a princess" Sally said "do you want to have tea party with us" Lazari asked I nodded since I didn't have anything better to do "your such a girl" Jeff said as he sat on the couch "it never hurts to have a good relationship with girl no matter what age" I said I then felt something stab my leg "ow" I shouted "sorry you can take the dress off now" Trendor said helping me pull it off Nina ran over to me holding my shirt "oh thanks Nina" I said taking my shirt from her "no problem Alex" Nina said blushing I put on my shirt and sat down with Sally and Lazari "shall we get this tea party started" I said happily rubbing my hands togather "wait I have to go get Charlie" Sally said running the stairs I looked over at the table and saw Toby trying to clean the dried blood off his hatches "Toby you should try a using bleach or a vinegar and baking soda solution" I suggested "you think you know everything don't you Alex" Masky said smugly that hurt my feeling "on I just wanted to help" I said "leave him alone Masky no reason to get pissed" Toby said scolding Masky there Charlie" Sally cried tears in her eyes "didn't you take him outside earlier" Lazari asked "Oh my god your right I forgot to bring him inside he's getting all wet" Sally cried I stood up and opened the door "I'll go get him Sally don't worry" I said closing the door

(4 hours later)

I opened the door and walked inside I was soaking wet and so was Charlie Sally came running up to me "you found Charlie thank you Alex" Sally said reaching for her teddy but I pulled him away "sorry Sally but I have to put him in the drier you can get him later" I explained Sally looked hurt but I patted her head and gave her a reassuring smile she smiled back

The washing room which is a small room off to the side only big enough to fit a washing machine and drier, along with a flat table but this only left room for one person to fit in a narrow space the room also didn't have a light so you had to us ether a candle or flashlight anyways I walked into the tiny room turned on the flashlight and started up the drier making sure to throw my clothes into the drier along with Charlie so I sat down on the table in my underwear in he freezing cold room it took about half an hour until the drier was done Sallies teddy bear was completely dry but my clothes was still soaking wet but I didn't want to keep Sally waiting so I put them on and walked into the living "Sally guess who wants to see you" I said Sally can running up to me excited "GIVE ME CHARLIE GIVE ME CHARLIE" Sally screamed with excitement I gave her Charlie and she was over joyed I was watching Sally hug Charlie while I was freezing "can you play with us now Alex" Lazari asked I sat down and played with them still in my freezing wet clothes

(The next day at breakfast Liu P.O.V)

Everyone was sitting around eating while Alex was doing the dishes "Alex I need you help on choosing what color fabric I should use for the red sun dress" Trendy said Alex didn't respond "Alex didn't you hear" Slendy said Alex turned around he looked pale like extra pale "Oh um sorry I'll um feed the the cat l...later" Alex said dazed "Who the hell said something about a cat" Jeff shouted then Alex collapsed I ran over to him and started calling his name "alex...Alex...ALEX" I shouted scared he rocked his head side to side I let out a sigh of relief and feel his head he was burning "What's wrong with him Liu" Nina asked I looked up to see everyone staring at Alex "oh he just got a really bad fever I should get him to bed" I explained I got up off the floor I then picked up Alex bridle style and took him upstairs to our room

I dropped him onto the bed and started undressing him in a attempt to cool him down I then ran into our bathroom to start running a cold bath for him when I did that I went back to Alex watched as he laid on the bed a layer of sweat has formed on his forhead at this point his chest rose and fell in slowly as his beathes came out uneven I couldn't help but bleash a little at the sight Alex eyes then flutered open and he looked up at me "Liu" Alex said in a hushed tone I quickly snapped out of my trance "oh I ran you a cold bath to help with your fever" I said calmly Alex sat up and tried to get off the bed "thanks" Alex said trying to stand but nearly fell so I let him put his arm around me so I dragged him to the bathtub and helped him get his underwear off once he was in the tub he looked a little better I sat down next to the bathtub "How you feeling Alex" I asked "Better" Alex said I then heard a knock on the bedroom door 

I got up and opened the door Nina, Jane, and clocky stood they're looking worried "Liu how's Alex" NIn asked "Alex is fine just a fever he's in the tub right now"I explained Jane tied to push past me but I stood my ground "let us see Alex" Ja2ne complained "no Alex needs rest he also isn't dressed so that's another reason" I said "How come your allowed to see him naked" Clocky asked "other then the fact I'm also a boy I'm also his b" I said before cutting myself off  before I say boyfriend "I'm also his bestfriend so I can do whatever I want to him" I explanined they looked at me angery before leaving I closed the door and walked back over to Alex then kneed down next to the tub I then started running my hand through the water "Who was at the door" Alex asked I shugged "just the girls" I replied grabbing his hand I then leanded over the tub and kissed him I didn't care if I got sick    

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