Chapter 7 (contains Sexual action)

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(1 month later)

it was raining hard outside I was just in my room watching TV when I heard rain not from outside but inside the mansion I walked out my room and followed the sound down to Liu's room I opened the door and saw that it was raining in Liu's room everything in his room was getting wet so I quickly ran to the living room were everyone was chilling "Liu!" I said from the top of the stairs Liu was playing mario cart with Ben "not now Alex I'm in the middle of something" Liu said "but Liu this is important" I said "so is this go away!" Liu said getting frustarated "Liu listen to me!" I whined then Ben won the game Liu threw the controller to the floor and screamed "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT" "your room is flooding" I said back everyone goes quiet Lui ran right past me to his room next thing we heard was "WHAT THE FUCK" Lui screamed everyone goes running to Liu's room we watched as he tried to stop the leaking he was in a panic I walked over to him "Liu calm down your going to have a panic attack" I said "everything in my room I getting wet" Liu said panicked "still relax and think grab you clothes and your bed everything else can stay" I said calmly Liu relaxed and I helped him get his stuff out it was mainly his bed, pillow, blanket and clothes he had nothing else besides for radio which I knew was done for once we were finished placing towels onto his floor then we went down stairs Liu sat down on the couch he looked pretty upset "so who's going to take Liu in since his room is going to be to wet for him to live in for while?" Slenderman asked no one raised there hand so I saw this as my opportunity to be nice to Liu I raised my hand "Liu can stay in my room for awhile" I said "really Alex thanks your so nice" Liu said "yeah no problem let's dry your mattress and put it in my room" I said "your so kind Alex" Nina said hugging my arm "*nervously laughs* thanks Nina I try to help when I can" I said

Me and Liu then spent the next few hours drying his mattress I then moved a few things around to fit his bed which was placed on the floor I put Liu's clothes, pillow, and blanket into the dryer before running back to my room "Alex was the only reason why you took me in was because you felt bad for me" Liu asked sitting on my bed "no I just like help" I said sitting down next to him I faced Liu his green eyes staring into mine his mouth slightly opened I put my hand on his scared check I didn't realize I was closing the gap between us until Lui pushed me away "you ok Alex?" Lui asked "oh yeah sorry got lost in thought let's just watch tv" I said calmly turning away from him 'stupid stupid he hates me now' I thought "it's ok Alex no homo right" Liu said "yeah no homo" I said back me and Liu then spent the rest of the night watching tv before falling asleep in our own beds

(1 week later)

I was laying on my bed without my shirt like usual Liu was in the shower from what I heard he might have just finished Liu walked out the bathroom with the towel around his waist Liu walked over to his bag of clothes "you forgot your clothes Lui?" I asked "no, I just don't want to get dressed in the bathroom" Liu said as his towel dropped I quickly turned away "well at least warn me when your towel is going to drop" I said "come on were both men" Lui said I stayed quiet 'don't look at him don't look at him not matter how hot he is' I thought I slowly turned to see if he was done, when I turned I saw his scared back my eyes wondered down his back and I saw his ass my face turned red my pants then felt tight I quickly turned back around 'why did I look' I thought "hey I'm gone go to sleep early turn the tv off when your ready" I said closing my eyes "ok goodnight" Liu said

(later that night warning!! yaoi lemon if your under age don't read the rest of the story you have been warned)

I woke up to the sound of moans I sat up and looked over to Liu he was grinding against a stray pillow "Liu" I said "*moans*" Liu responded I saw that Liu's eyes were closed so I thought he was still asleep his moans were making me hungry I got out of bed quietly I removed my pants but left my underwear on I walked over to Liu kneeled down at the end of his bed I put the stray pillow on the floor and move the blanket Liu was only in his boxers as while, though his boxers I saw the out line of his member I wanted----no I needed his member in my mouth I pulled down his boxers and his member stood tall and hard "oh Liu you'll never know how much I love you" I whispered I licked my lips and put Liu's member into my mouth and whatever I couldn't fit I stroked his groans grew a bit louder 'god please don't let him or anyone else wake up please' I thought sucking a bit harder I felt Liu put his hand on my head I stopped and looked up a bit he was still asleep thank god I continued sucking I was so hard it started to hurt I groaned at the pain "enjoying yourself Alex" I looked up and saw Liu looking at me with both his eyes opened I grabbed the stray pillow and smashed it into his face I then ran right back into bed facing away from Liu "come on I was just about to cum" Liu said I began to snore as if I was asleep I heard footsteps getting closer to my bed then the weight of my bed shifted "come on Alex don't pretend to be asleep I still need your help" Liu said rubbing my arm softly "no ho--" I said before Liu put his finger over my mouth "yes, homo" Liu said seductively "I'm sorry" I said "no need to be sorry to be honest I really enjoyed it I just wish I could have finished if you help me I'll help you when it's time" Liu said in my ear "ok just don't tell anyone I'm gay ok" I said sitting up Liu kissed me "ok only if you make me happy you little slut" Liu said laying down on his back

I pulled his boxers back down and began sucking "mmm yes that's nice" Liu moaned I sucked harder Liu began to pull at my hair it was a great feeling I moaned as Liu pulled harder at my hair "I'm gone----ahhh" Liu cam in my mouth I sat up about to spite out his cum but Liu quickly stopped me "don't you dare spite it out if you do I'll slit you throat" Liu said I swallowed it tasted sweet Liu pulled me into a passionate kiss our tounge fought for dominance we then broke for air Liu laid me down on the bed he got up and pulled up his boxers "thanks Alex I needed that" Liu said walking back to his bed "wait Liu I need your help please touch me" I said "sorry but I'm to tired take care of it yourself" Liu said laying down "please Liu" I begged "maybe later goodnight" Liu said I waited until Liu fell back to sleep before taking care of it myself and going to sleep as well

The Zombie AlexDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora