Chapter 7

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~Knock knock~

"I'm coming." Jordan said. She opened the door and saw Jay standing there. "What do you want?"

"Is Jenna here?" Jay asked. "I wanted to tell her that I am feeling better."

"Huh. Well I don't want to ruin how mad she is going to be with you, but you know what she has been through, right?"


"SO why did you lie to her?"

"What do you mean?"

"Have you been to your dorm yet?"


"Well she was being a nice girlfriend and brought you soup, but when she got there you weren't there. She looked all over campus for you and well now you just ruined that relationship."

"She wouldn't breakup with me over that."

"Well you did the one thing that can break the trust she has in you."

"Look okay, I will tell her everything, but I can't right now."

"That is what she is afraid of."

"What do you mean?"

"Jay you are a idiot. You have no idea what she was like when she found out all of the boyfriends were cheating/ lying. The reason why she gets all mad easily is because she is afraid that the one good boyfriend she has ever had might cheat on her."

"She knows that I would never do that."

"That is what they all say. " Jordan said. "I have to go but I will tell her you stopped by."


Jay walked into the room and saw Carlos working on something on the computer.

"Jay, someone left you some soup. It is on the desk." Carlos said. Jay walked over to the desk and saw the little container full of soup. He remembered Jordan saying that Jenna left soup here, but he didn't believe her until now. "Hey do you know who brought it?"

"Yes." Jay said. "It was Jenna."

"Oh why did she bring you soup?"

"Because I lied to her and said I was sick." Jay said.

"And she found out." Carlos said.

"Yes, I just hope I didn't lose the one good thing in my life."


"What? At least I'm being honest."



~Knock knock~

"Coming." Genie said. He opened the door and saw that no one was there. He felt a tap on his shoulder and saw Jenna was standing there laughing at him. "Hey, you came!"

'"I did." Jenna said. She hugged her dad and he motioned her to follow him into the other room.

"So what's going on?" Genie asked.

"Well first Jay asked me to cotillion!" Jenna said.

"That's great! I didn't have to tell him to ask you."

"Wow dad. Who needs a guidance counselor when we have you."

"I know." Genie said. "Now as much as I am enjoying you complimenting me right now, what did you need to talk to me about?"

"Oh right." Jenna sighed. "Okay so these past few months have been great and I had a whole lot of fun with Jay, but recently he hasn't been the same."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean he doesn't talk to me about anything and he is starting to lie to me."

"Oh. Did he apologize."

"No because I haven't seen him."

"Oh, so you mean you caught him in a lie?"


"Are you mad?"

"Of course I am mad!"

"Do you know why he lied?"

"No because I haven't seen him yet. He is still at his mystery location."

"Then why don't you teleport to him?"

"Because I don't want to know if he is actually cheating on me or not." Jenna said. Genie stared at his daughter and held her hand.

"Sweetie, as much as I hate seeing you hurting, you need to talk to him." Genie said.

"I know." Jenna said. "Thanks dad."

"No problem." Genie said. "Now go fix your relationship!"

"Okay." Jenna said. She flashed out of there and teleported into Jay's and Carlos' room. They both looked back and stared at Jenna. She stood there for a moment and saw that Jay was staring into her eyes. "I can't do this." She left the room and started to head towards her dorm.


"Um, what just happened?" Carlos asked.

Jay shook his head and said, "I should go talk to her." 

"That's probably a good idea." Carlos said. He started to walk straight to the door but someone popped up in front of him and he couldn't leave.

"Hi Jay." Genie said.

"Hi, what are you doing here?"

"Look I just watched my little girl cry."

"I'm so so-"

"Let me finish."

"Okay." Jay said.

"I am going to give you some advice that I gave Aladdin, okay?" Genie said. Jay nodded his head. "Tell her the TRUTH!"

"I was about to go and do that."

"Oh, well go on and do that. Please don't tell her that I told you, okay? I don't want her to know that I told you how she felt."

"Of course." Jay said. They stood there for a minute just looking at each other, "Um can I get by?"


"Thanks." Jay said. He opened the door and sprinted to catch up with Jenna. He saw her in the distance, it's a good thing that she wasn't a very fast walker. He took her arm and pulled her into the nearest closet.

"What the heck!" Jenna said. 

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