New Freinds

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After blinking a few times, I realised that after seeing so much maroon and red, my eyes have started deceiving me, because after a few blinks instead of blood red iris I found myself staring at a pair of bright green-emerald orbs. When his eyes narrowed slightly, I made out the compromising position in which we were. As I quickly backed off, his hand fell limply on his side, his eyes appraising me.

"Umm, hola boy! my name is Rehana and I am new to this school, can you please guide me to the principal's office?", I said with the gentlest voice I could manage.

To my surprise, he was quite gentle. He grinned and replied, "Hola Rehana, my name is Damien, and probably we are both in the same situation, I'm new to this school as well, and lost like you". He had a tinge of the greek accent. His grin was so contagious I couldn't help and mustered an equally bright grin.

"Hey!! what are you two doing in the hallway? The classes had started nearly 10 minutes ago", came a loud booming voice from, down the hallway. A young tall man with dark-glassed spectacles walked to us.

His eyes scrutinized us for a full minute and then acknowledgement flashed in his eyes, "ah, Ms.Roy and Mr.Inred, well makes sense, follow me", without waiting another moment he turned and walked down the hallway. After exchanging a look with Damien, we quickly started following the mysterious man whose name I gathered from his ID was Cal Miller, our physics teacher. After passing a few hallways and stairs we finally reached the place where we needed to go, the principal's office. Pausing in front of the door, with a sudden swift movement he turned to look at us, " The principal is out of station for the day, and I'm the charge for now. Come in". He beckoned us in then after a quick scan of the big oak desk, he fished out two papers and handed us one, each. 

"It seems you both have the same routine", looking at our possibly dumb-confused faces he again started, "you both have the same subjects, now follow me your first class is under me, physics". Without waiting for a reply he stormed off towards the supposed classroom. 

While walking past the corridors, my arm slightly brushed against Damien's, a rush of tingling sensation passed through it, arising goosebumps. Risking a peek at Damien's face revealed nothing, except a wave of unknown emotion crossing my heart, disappointment.

After arriving at the place bustling with student chatter, having room for both the enthusiastic and least-bothered about studies type of students we took the double seater in the middle of the classroom. After being introduced, the chatter of the students resumed, mostly consisting of the new Asian girl and the new foreigner hottie.

I was slightly offended by the adjective used for describing me, not that I wanted a different adjective, like hot or cool

Which you do, my subconscious poked me.

After an overview of our physics syllabus of the year, Mr.Miller asked us to make a line and head for the school auditorium. Following the other student's in a  beeline with Damien beside me, I was surprised to see the auditorium being extremely well decorated with balloons, big banners screaming 'welcome folks to the one and only Evan's Institution', the exaggerated display of the school's name made me involuntarily roll my eyes. There was even a corner with a few tables arranged together with a white cloth draped over them, containing mouthwatering refreshments- Tater tots, Fries, Burgers, pasta, twinkies and many more.

After averting my eyes from the table after the insistence of Mr.Miller to take our respective seats, I found myself being dragged by an excited Damien towards the front row. Taking our seats in the plush black leather chairs, I noticed some students who were not among our folk, earlier, rush inside the auditorium towards the refreshment's table. 

The lights were suddenly dimmed and the huge stage of the magnificent auditorium was lightened, revealing an average-height gentleman, dressed in a black tux which looked extremely sophisticated for the situation, and an angelic smile highlighting his soft features. His light blond hair which almost appeared white was combed back to absolute perfection. Craning my neck to assess the surroundings, I found more elderly persons sitting at the back apart from our physics teacher. The man at the stage cleared his throat and began, " Welcome to all the new family members of Evan's institution!", his pause was followed by a big round of applause and cheering. 

"My name is Pace Butterfield, the principal, but more of a friend and mentor, if you don't break any rules, that is", he grinned at us, and again there were lots of students howling with laughter, and clapping at the mention of his 'many rules' dialogue. " Just like every year, this year too there is a welcome festival for the freshmen, arranged by the sophomores. I wish you all the best of luck for the upcoming year. Now go and enjoy!", flashing a big grin to us he took a step back, down the stage.

The rest of the school day went by, with students mingling and getting to know each other. During the celebrations, most of the female folk, swarmed around Damien making him unapproachable. Judging by the frustrated look on his face, he was not at all enjoying it. Instead of being a good acquaintance, I couldn't yet say 'Freinds', and saving his ass I watched the whole scene unfold the whole scene with an amused smile playing on my lips. Out of the corner of the eyes, he noticed me and his eyes went bright almost immediately, indicating the suddenly lit bulb in his mind.

He smiled sweetly at me, making the heads of some of the girls turn towards me with a look of surprise which soon morphed into one of pure disgust and jealousy.

" Hey BABY! where were you? I was searching for you throughout the party", he paused and turned towards his followers, "you see I already have a girlfriend, and she would get upset if I didn't spend time with her", many of the heads nodded along in mock understanding whereas giving me 'those looks'.

I was left dumbstruck at Damien's declaration, the words stuck in my throat, as his smirk grew wider. I suddenly had the intense desire to wipe that silly smirk off his face. 


A/N: Hellooo!!! 

So, what do you think about Damien? I have a few ideas on the next part, but if you have any ideas do not hesitate to share it <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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