Chapter 9: Your Girl is My Enemy

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But that all changed when I looked into his room and saw him kissing some girl. I felt like I wanted to throw up. I rushed pass his room and went downstairs to the kitchen where Daniel’s mom was waiting for me.

“Good you’re here; you can start making the salad.” She said while pointing to the salad bag and tosser.

I started making the salad while she was cooking. I didn’t want to tell her what happen so I stayed quiet. Within a few minutes Daniel and the girl came into the kitchen.

“Hey mom and Elana. When did you guys get here?” He asked.

“Not too long ago, Hi Nicole.”Mrs. Simmons said.

“Hi Mrs. Simmons.” Nicole said.

I had my back turned to them. I didn’t want to see what the girl look like or even look at Daniel. I finished making the last of the salad and then turned around.

“Elana this is my girlfriend Nicole, Nicole this is Elana.” He said introducing us.

“Hi.” We both said in unison.

“It’s nice to meet a relative of Daniel’s” She said smiling.

“I’m not a relative.” I said.

“Then who are you because I never seen you here.” She said kind of rudely.

“I’m a friend and I stay here now.” I said.

“Oh.” She said with an attitude.

I can already tell we not going to get along because of that nasty attitude of hers. She needs to get up out my face with that because I’m not in the mood.

“Daniel go tell everyone dinners ready.” She said pulling out plates.

“Ok mom, Nicole I’ll be right back.” He said as he left the kitchen.

Nicole passed me a dirty look and then stood by me.

“He’s mine so back off.” She mumbled so only I could hear.

I looked at her up and down. Who is she to be thinking she can come over here and be talking mess? She keeps messing with me I’m going to treat her like I did that boy at the mall maybe even worse. As I was about to say something to her, everybody came into the kitchen and sat on stools. Daniel told Nicole to come sit next to him. Nicole walked away from me and sat at the stool next to him. Me and her made eye contact. That’s when she lipped the words “All mine.” Holding back my anger I just went to a stool next to where Mrs. Simmons was going to sit.

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