Chapter 23: All a Blur

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Diggy p.o.v.

Whoa! Elana just kissed me. It felt very awkward because I consider as a friend but then again I always think her about her so I guess I try a test. If I kissed back and feel sparks I won’t stop but if I don’t feel sparks; I’m going to pull away. Here goes. I leaned in and kissed her. Within seconds I felt sparks but then something else came to mind; Russy. So I pulled away and stared at her.

“Sorry stuck in the moment. “She said.

“It’s ok. I enjoyed it.” I said with a smile.

Everything got awkward from there because we both didn’t know what to say after that. I pulled out my phone and called Jojo and my dad. I let them know that I found her and we were coming home. After we hung up I turned the ignition to start the car but she stopped me.

“Diggy I have something to tell you.” She said slowly.

My heart started racing. I was scared she was going to tell me she had feelings. I wouldn’t know how to respond. I like her too but there is Russy still. Oh well, he going to have to get over it. I doubt she want to go out with him anyway.

“I have feelings you.” She said sounding scared.

Just like I thought she’d say.

“I have some feelings for you too.” I said as a bright smile came across my face.

“Really?” Her face lit up.

“Yeah.” I said.

We stared each other in the eyes. I was tempted to kiss her again. I just leaned in kissed her this time without realizing we needed to get home because my mom wanted to probably see her.

“What do we do from here?” She asked.

“I don’t know…Do you want to go out with me?” I asked nervously.

“Definitely.” She said.

I gave her a peck on the lips. Then I started the car and drove towards home. She slowly grabbed my right hand and held onto it while looking out the window. I think I got myself a pretty good girlfriend. I drove us back to the house. Everyone from the party was gone so we didn’t have to worry about that lady anymore. I got out the car and opened Elana’s. She slowly got out and I closed the door. We walked into the house and no one was there.

“Mom!!” I hollered.

No one answered. I called for everyone in that house. I decided to call my dad and see where everyone went at this time of night. (A/n I’m about to change the writing style for this phone conversation.)

Dad: Hello?

Me: Where are you guys?

Dad: We’re at….

Me: where?

Dad: the hospital

Me: What why?

Dad: You and Elana come down to hospital and I’ll explain.

Me: Alright. (Hangs up.)

I turn towards Elana. She was unaware of what’s going on but she knew something was wrong so she came and gave me a hug.

“What’s wrong?” She asked concerned.

“We have to go to the hospital.” I said.

“Oh, do you know who it is?” She questioned.

“No.” I replied.

“Ok well everything is going to be fine sweetie.” She said as she grabbed my hand and guided me out the door.

I got into the car and started driving. She looked at the speedometer. She seemed scared. I don’t know why I wasn’t going…

I blacked out and the only thing I remember was her screaming my name. 

On My Own A Diggy Simmons Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now