Chapter 26: The M word

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~~~Next Morning~~~

I woke up slowly and unsure of where I was. Then I realized I’m still in the hospital. Daniel was by my side with his arm still around me. He had a tight grip too, tighter than last night. I sat up and looked down at him. He had sweat coming down his forehead and his eye brows were scrunched up. I think he was having a nightmare. I fixed my stockings and started to shake him slowly. He wouldn’t wake up. I kept shaking him and he still wouldn’t wake up. My last resort was to do something I didn’t want to but had to. I raised my hand and hit him really hard on the side.

Daniel: ooww…*Falls back asleep*

Elana: Daniel, wake up.

Daniel: *Slowly wakes up and sits up* what’s wrong beautiful?

Elana: Were you having a bad dream? *reaches for Kleenex and wipes his forehead.

Daniel: Yeah but then out of nowhere something hit me and it felt so real. Then I fell asleep again into a good dream. *grins*

Elana: Sorry that was me. *smiling*

Daniel: why you *interrupted by Vanessa coming in with clothes*

Vanessa: Good morning you too. I brung your clothes and toothpaste or whatever. 

Daniel & Elana: Thank you

Vanessa: After you change, come to the lobby because Mom is leaving today and so are you. We are going to breakfast today and Daniel your car is in the shop. Oh yeah Elana here is your phone. *hands phone to her* Alright guys see you in the lobby. *walks out the door.*

Elana: I’m going to change first. Oh yeah here is you’re phone. *Gives it to him*

Daniel: Thanks now go change *grabs the magazine he had from last night and goes back to reading it*

I go into the bathroom and started washing my face etc. Then I changed out of my funeral clothes into this:  I liked what I was wearing. I put my hair into a pony tail because I didn’t want it getting into the way of when I ate. I walked out of the bathroom and Daniel looked up from his magazine.

Daniel: You look beautiful ma

Elana: Thank you handsome. Go get ready, we don’t want them waiting for ever.

Daniel: yeah you’re right, here. *hands magazine and gets out of bed*

Elana: nice dress princess. *starts laughing*

Daniel: Very funny *walks into the bathroom with clothes and hygiene stuff*

I waited for Diggy. I opened the magazine and started flipping through it. I was bored already. Diggy came out 10 minutes later swagged out as usual. He placed his and my stuff into a bag and grabbed his phone.

Diggy: Come on Elana, I’m starving

Elana: Alright here’s your magazine. *Throws it at him and hits him in the leg*

Diggy: Wow rudeness could have done it nicely.

Elana: *smiling* yeah, yeah whatever. *walks out the door*

Diggy: *walks out behind her and closes door* Why you walking so fast?

Elana: To get away from you. I know you’re not going to let me get away with that. *walking even faster*

Diggy: *quietly runs behind her and grabs her by the waist* you know me well then.

Elana: *laughing* you scared me! Let me go before I drop kick you.

Diggy: I’ll let you go for one kiss.

Elana: Fine. *kisses him on the lips for 5 sec.*

Diggy: *pulls away* I got lip gloss on my lips now.

Elana: Yeah you look cute.

Diggy: Help me wipe it off, I don’t want the others thinking I went the other way. *laughing*

Elana: here *wipes it off with fingers*

We continue walking to the lobby; laughing and talking about random stuff. When we get there everyone gets up to get ready to go.

Jojo: Sup bro. Sup Elana.

Diggy & Elana: Hey

Justine: Daughter!! * She runs and gives hug*

Elana: Mommy! *Gives tight hug*

Everyone: What?

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